Reduced range of view & spawn times of everything.

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Reduced range of view & spawn times of everything.

by Kha » Fri May 29, 2015 6:56 pm

1. Seriously, this thing has to go, after 6-7k players online its basically impossible to see what's happening around you, sometimes is smaller then the range of hunters, you cant understand who the heck is killing you. You cant see who is ganking you, you cant see if its safe to attack someone cause its possible that behind your target there are 10 more who are roflstomping you in 2 secs. Its beyond stupid and its not even remotely close of blizzlike. I can deal with 100 ms latency instead of the 40 ms that I have now, but not with this. Noway in hell. I need to see, simply as that. Its a videogame, not "guess what I have behind me", dammit.

2. The spawning times of herbs/mobs/etc is horrible. When you have 8k players online, you just can't wait 30 mins for Tethis to spawn, only to see another 20 players wanting the same thing. I saw players who waited 2-3 hours for ONE quest to be done, its not normal. Not even talking about hours of wandering on maps and no node/herb on the map.
More players > faster spawn rates, simply as that.

Don't call it a rant, I am quite pleased by the devs, but still some things can ruin the whole experience.
Last edited by Kha on Fri May 29, 2015 7:13 pm, edited 6 times in total.

Re: Reduced range of view & spawn times of everything.

by azreal3133 » Fri May 29, 2015 7:02 pm

Don't disagree in the slightest, when you have to reduce the amount of draw distance to 20 meters then you have too many people on one server. It makes BG's really awful to play, "Where's the EFC?" "Fuck if I know dude, I can't even see the tunnel from mid."
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Re: Reduced range of view & spawn times of everything.

by Vod » Fri May 29, 2015 7:31 pm

I have no problems seeing other people and or things when the server is packed. Also, they tweaked spawn times, so perhaps those 20 people who need the one thing, should go do something else.
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Re: Reduced range of view & spawn times of everything.

by Kdg » Fri May 29, 2015 11:38 pm

I agree I think if we are sacrificing view range for more players than I would like a lower server cap. We don't need anymore than 5 or 6k online at once lol. It's silly that sometimes you can't see players/npcs on the otherside of a room
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Re: Reduced range of view & spawn times of everything.

by Kha » Sat May 30, 2015 6:48 am

3971 players online at this precise moment and view range still crap...

Re: Reduced range of view & spawn times of everything.

by Ourk » Sat May 30, 2015 8:33 am

Vod wrote:I have no problems seeing other people and or things when the server is packed. Also, they tweaked spawn times, so perhaps those 20 people who need the one thing, should go do something else.

No probs here too.
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Re: Reduced range of view & spawn times of everything.

by Molten » Sat May 30, 2015 10:11 am

The viewing distance has definitely been reduced over the last few weeks, and it is terrible. With the whole herbing situation, it will be funny to see how bad it will be when BWL hits and people need herbs for flasks - because it is already fucked up.

Re: Reduced range of view & spawn times of everything.

by ohgr » Sat May 30, 2015 12:33 pm

Personally I haven't had any issues with herbalism and finding endgame (in lack of a better word) herbs nor have I had any problem with mobs respawns, the draw distance and the delays however are just abyssmal are is effectively ruining the fun of playing the game.
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Re: Reduced range of view & spawn times of everything.

by Molten » Sat May 30, 2015 12:56 pm

ohgr wrote:Personally I haven't had any issues with herbalism and finding endgame (in lack of a better word) herbs nor have I had any problem with mobs respawns, the draw distance and the delays however are just abyssmal are is effectively ruining the fun of playing the game.

Are you US or when during the day do you play? Because trying to herb when there are 6-7k online is horrible.

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