This Server is a Privilege, Not a Right

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

This Server is a Privilege, Not a Right

by Kehleyr » Fri May 29, 2015 7:26 pm

People. Please stop complaining and whining. This server is FREE. There are human beings behind it putting in their free time into providing this service for people. You don't have to play it. You're not paying money for it(unless you choose to donate). The devs don't OWE you anything. So if you don't like it, if content isn't being released fast enough for your taste etc, then don't play it. Or...leave for a while then come back when the content is released. It's not like you're losing anything. You don't have a subscription to finish out, and you don't have to re-subscribe to come back when content is released.

Suggestions are great. Everyone appreciates feedback/bug reports etc. But complaining about a timeline that was always an estimate, never a guarantee, is just out of line. If all the devs hear are complaints and never any appreciation, do you think they're going to be as likely to continue providing this? No. So, please thank them for making this available to you(they don't have to do it, you know) and wait patiently for things that take work and time.

So, thank you devs for doing this, and I'll leave you all with this quote from Viper back in November:

Viper wrote:As a reminder, don't forget that behind a private server project, there are humans. These people try their best to make their project go fine and to reach the goals they fixed themselves in the beginning of their work.

We think that everyone should at least acknowledge that, and thank every private server team that disappeared or still exists; because these people spent or are spending their time, trying to offer a fun environment and good memories on a project they believe in. We should all try to be open minded with others work, even if players don't necessarily like the same project.

Our team may not have the same objectives as others, and some players may not understand that but for us, Private server community's satisfaction is our only goal.

Original posting:

Re: This Server is a Privilege, Not a Right

by Jalepenos » Fri May 29, 2015 7:30 pm

Here here! To be honest, I'm really happy with this environment and it's GMs.

Re: This Server is a Privilege, Not a Right

by Ourk » Fri May 29, 2015 7:31 pm

approved ;)
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Re: This Server is a Privilege, Not a Right

by Mimma » Fri May 29, 2015 7:38 pm

+1 - where is dat "Like" button?
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Re: This Server is a Privilege, Not a Right

by Karik » Fri May 29, 2015 7:46 pm

I wish I could Like/+1/upvote your post somehow.

People tend to be more vocal when they want to complain. Not everyone feels the same.

I think it's a limitation of the phpBB forums being used where all posts are treated equal and users have no way to affect the visibility of good content (posts or comments).

If someone were to look at the forums, they'd think this server is full of cheaters, ban-happy GMs, lazy devs and griefers. None of which is true.
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Re: This Server is a Privilege, Not a Right

by MrCheshire » Fri May 29, 2015 8:02 pm


should be sticked.


Re: This Server is a Privilege, Not a Right

by Crispin » Fri May 29, 2015 8:37 pm

Every once in a while there is a great thread. Cheers!

Re: This Server is a Privilege, Not a Right

by Kehleyr » Fri May 29, 2015 8:38 pm

Jalepenos wrote:Here here! To be honest, I'm really happy with this environment and it's GMs.

I agree. I only found out about this server two weeks ago and was stoked/still am to be playing here. I won't lie, I roll my eyes whenever there is a server rollback, but then I remind myself that I'm having fun and playing for free. If the server is too unstable for me at the time of my playing, I'll log off for 30 minutes or so, go do something else, then come back and give it another go. It's really not so bad in the scheme of things, and I absolutely love how high of a population the server has. It's a different experience than retail, in mostly good/fun ways.

Re: This Server is a Privilege, Not a Right

by AverageJoe » Fri May 29, 2015 9:35 pm

People forget there's no dedicated staff here operating 24/7 like Blizzard has. Nobody's an employee or on payroll; it's simply a handful of volunteers that, up to this point in time, have simply contributed little by little to make the server what it is today and what it will be tomorrow. It's not easy to maintain a server with over 8K players and a volunteer staff from all over the world up and running at 100% optimization 24 hours a day for 365 days a year while simultaneously fixing dozens, if not, hundreds of bugs, delivering new content, handling hundreds of in-game tickets, and dealing with players who repeatedly violate the ToU.
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Re: This Server is a Privilege, Not a Right

by wizardman1911 » Fri May 29, 2015 9:50 pm

no dissenting opinions allowed :^)


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