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Addon Troubleshooting

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:47 am
by LegendaryRonnie
Came across a couple of issues with some addons I use, hopefully someone can show some insight.

Prat: Fontsize reverts to original value when restarting the game, I'm pretty sure it is an issue with the original interface though.

MobInfo2: Error when trying to check the corpse of a mob that has no loot.

Edit:I've narrowed it down to the following part, it gets somewhat technical at this point
-- MI2_RecordAllLootItems()
-- Record the data for all items found in the currently open loot window.
-- Return to the caller whether this loot window represents real mob loot
-- or not. Examples for "not" are: skinning, clam loot
function MI2_RecordAllLootItems( mobIndex, numItems )
local skinningLoot = false
local mobData = MI2_FetchMobData( mobIndex )

-- iterate through all loot slots and record data for each item
for slotID = 1, numItems, 1 do
local skin, clam = MI2_RecordLootSlotData( mobIndex, mobData, slotID )
if clam then return end
skinningLoot = skinningLoot or skin
end -- for loop

if skinningLoot then
mobData.skinCount = (mobData.skinCount or 0) + 1
-- update loot and empty loot counter
mobData.loots = (mobData.loots or 0) + 1
if numItems < 1 then
mobData.emptyLoots = (mobData.emptyLoots or 0) + 1

if MobInfoConfig.SaveBasicInfo == 1 then
MI2_StoreBasicInfo( mobIndex, mobData )


Also, I have found a 1.12 version of Mik's Scrolling Battle Text and tested it.If anybody is interested send me a message.

Re: Addon Troubleshooting

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 10:14 am
by Beelzer
as far as i know mobinfo2 is broken in the latest 1.12 version. i could never get it to work properly.

Re: Addon Troubleshooting

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 10:30 am
by LegendaryRonnie
Care to elaborate a bit? I can handle your everyday lua error by tweaking the code if need be, how broken is it?Also, if you can paste errors I'll look into it.