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Turning in place error interrupts spellcasts

PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 5:43 am
by heradura
As a caster I'll often turn my character with RMB to adjust my LOS while casting, or I'll just do it as a habit while mounting or whatever. Seems that with today's patch, pivoting in place like that now counts as movement and will interrupt spellcasting. Definitely limits caster mobility and is generally a pain in the ass.

EDIT: Changed the title, Busdriverx explained it

Re: Turning in place now interrupts spellcasts

PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 6:10 am
by Aunstic
You're doing something wrong. Maybe like pivoting 90 degrees away from the mob and doing this:

Re: Turning in place now interrupts spellcasts

PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 6:17 am
by heradura
Nope. Just slight adjustments. I'll see if I can't make a quick capture of it.

Here. No video capture, but two screenshots to show the small change in degree.,0qWevvn

Note that this goes for all duration spellcasts, not just targeted ones. You can see from the timestamps it's not the exact same spellcast (or in this case mount cast) because I had to jump from the mouse to PrtScrn, but you get the idea. I also figured the only possible complicating factor was EzDismount but it does the same thing whether it's on or not.

Anyone else having this issue? If it's not the game then I want to figure out WTF it is, because it sucks. Never cropped up until today.

EDIT: Same with no addons.,NFSHltU

Re: Turning in place now interrupts spellcasts

PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 7:50 am
by Busdriverx
heradura wrote:As a caster I'll often turn my character with RMB to adjust my LOS while casting, or I'll just do it as a habit while mounting or whatever. Seems that with today's patch, pivoting in place like that now counts as movement and will interrupt spellcasting. Definitely limits caster mobility and is generally a pain in the ass.

It's a bug where your character position is not represented properly, it happens to me sometimes too, and it goes away when you die. Whilst this is active you can walk on water... so that's a bonus I guess

Re: Turning in place now interrupts spellcasts

PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 9:19 am
by heradura
Hm, well I ran Mara and it went away inside and afterward. Pretty annoying that it only reset when I changed maps and not when I relogged, but whatever.

Thanks for the info, Bus.