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If never played it before, what you think of vanilla WoW?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 12:18 pm
by Sham
My question is to people, who came to WoW long after vanilla times and now playing on Nostalrius. What you think about vanilla? What you like? What you hate and miss the most from new WoW? How your overal experience has been?

Re: If never played it before, what you think of vanilla WoW

PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 6:33 am
by ellenoir
- Freaked out being chased by murlocs and dying to mobs in Elwynn Forest.
- Random dude wanted to sell me some armor in Goldshire. Told him I was broke, got free armor! People are so nice! (Might be a Nostalrius thing though)
- People cried when I declined duel challenges; so cute
- Wandering about like a blind person because no quest highlighting on maps; addons to the rescue!
- Cannot see opponent hitpoints/mana; tiptoeing +100%. This annoys me sometimes but I do grow to like it. Level becomes the sole indicator of threat, and skull really means death!
- Elite mobs truly are elite, and quests in general are harder to complete because of loooong travel times and tough mobs. But this is offset by how often people team up together. I never talked to a stranger in WoD, and was weirded out when people just walked up to me and added me to groups. Now it's second nature and I love the shared sense of adventure!
- Got to see Westfall before Cataclysm, which was awesome! Took me a while to reconcile with missing cyclones.
- No mount at level 20 means more running time :"( but I look forward to getting the mount. Never quite understood why people love mounts in retail until now.
- Loves tanking, picked Paladin, now constantly losing aggro to Mages.... Sad panda. But talent tree is pretty interesting. I miss Avenger's Shield though. Also Lay on Hand's cooldown is soo long.
Just some random thoughts to throw out there. All in all, I am really enjoying the differences, and what deficiencies there are in utility I can make up with addons. But it's been the community that really shines.

Re: If never played it before, what you think of vanilla WoW

PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 11:17 am
by Lakweeta
I started just after the original release of Zul'aman, so I was basically there for the quests, long travels, mount at 40 and tough mobs.

I missed it extremely, and I'm glad I can experience it again. Gaining levels actually means something, it's not possible to go from 1 - 40 in 1 day by sitting in Org, it's fucking fun seeing players in the world questing! This is the wow everyone needs to exp. and to love c:

Re: If never played it before, what you think of vanilla WoW

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 4:45 pm
by FrustratedMoth
Vanilla takes everything I loved about Cataclysm is emphasized in Vanilla! People roleplay, people PvP, the questing takes you to opposite corners of the world. Oh, and people group up.
I repeat: People! Group! UP!! :D

Re: If never played it before, what you think of vanilla WoW

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 5:22 pm
by Reiker
Never really played vanilla before. Old time EverQuest player (classic emu for the past few years).

Ultimately, as I was expecting there are some things that WoW did better and some things that EQ did better.

The hardest thing for me to adapt to is the difference in culture between both games. WoW is a lot less frustrating and easier to progress, and because of that it attracts a really different audience. To put things simply, people are just nicer in EQ communities since you have to rely on other players so heavily. That's not to say you never come across rude people or ninjas in EQ but its way less common.

WoW's fun, I've been enjoying it. It's not better, just different.

Re: If never played it before, what you think of vanilla WoW

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:01 pm
by Hailto
Reiker wrote:Never really played vanilla before. Old time EverQuest player (classic emu for the past few years).

Ultimately, as I was expecting there are some things that WoW did better and some things that EQ did better.

The hardest thing for me to adapt to is the difference in culture between both games. WoW is a lot less frustrating and easier to progress, and because of that it attracts a really different audience. To put things simply, people are just nicer in EQ communities since you have to rely on other players so heavily. That's not to say you never come across rude people or ninjas in EQ but its way less common.

WoW's fun, I've been enjoying it. It's not better, just different.

You still in IB Reiker? Also horde or alliance?

Re: If never played it before, what you think of vanilla WoW

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:28 pm
by genxann
I really like this. I played in BC and never this. Really gotten me back into WoW and its Lore.

Re: If never played it before, what you think of vanilla WoW

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:33 pm
by Kelissandra
ellenoir wrote:- Loves tanking, picked Paladin, now constantly losing aggro to Mages.... Sad panda. But talent tree is pretty interesting. I miss Avenger's Shield though. Also Lay on Hand's cooldown is soo long.
Just some random thoughts to throw out there. All in all, I am really enjoying the differences, and what deficiencies there are in utility I can make up with addons. But it's been the community that really shines.

Hate to break it to ya, but paladin tanks in vanilla aren't that good.
it's doable but, a warrior and even a bear druid do it 10x better.
paladin's were kinda moulded into the healer role, in vanilla

Re: If never played it before, what you think of vanilla WoW

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:57 pm
by riq and snog
Paladins are best aoe trash tanks!
can also easy tank 5 man.
15 Minute blessings changed the playstyle in raids quite a bit:-)

Re: If never played it before, what you think of vanilla WoW

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 12:13 am
by Reiker
Hailto wrote:You still in IB Reiker? Also horde or alliance?

Technically I am, but IB doesn't really exist anymore.
