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Rule clarification on alt leveling.
Tue Jun 02, 2015 7:29 pm
by nostaltaco
Update :
Playing an alt while you are in queue for a BG on your main, as long as you park your alt when you join the BG is now forbidden and will be seen as multiboxing because of abuse.
Is there clarification somewhere as to how this equals abuse? Just wondering if there has been an update on the possible exploited mechanics or a patch has been pushed through to address the issue? This update was made almost a month ago. Just wondering how this can be considered multiboxing when boths characters are clearly not being played at the same time or used in unison to gain some kind of advantage.
Was this rule made to target a specific player or were there multiple cases of abuse occurring across the board?
Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.
Tue Jun 02, 2015 8:35 pm
by nervous
If you can do something you normally couldn't do on retail with one account, the few exceptions not withstanding, it's forbidden.
Leveling an alt while being queued on your main for battlegrounds is something that would have required multiple accounts on retail, so it is forbidden.
Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.
Tue Jun 02, 2015 9:53 pm
by Soupa
Not to mention, the server is already overloaded. The last thing we need is 7,000 people with 14,000 characters logged into the server.
Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.
Wed Jun 03, 2015 1:09 pm
by zequill
I hate those grey line. So I can level my enchanter on a other account so I can enchant all my toon myself but I can play it while the other is in a BG queue.
What about if my main is looking for a Dungeon.
Can my alt heal my main (without key replicator of any kind) for a elite quest or vise-versa.
Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.
Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:20 pm
by Mimma
zequill wrote:Can my alt heal my main (without key replicator of any kind) for a elite quest or vise-versa.
There isn't really much doubt:
You cannot play on two characters at same time. The only exception is for a banker or an enchanter - in which case your banker / enchanter char must still be in a capital city, so no questing, grinding, healing or whatever you can try to dig up is allowed.
Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.
Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:27 pm
by nervous
zequill wrote:I hate those grey line. So I can level my enchanter on a other account so I can enchant all my toon myself but I can play it while the other is in a BG queue.
What about if my main is looking for a Dungeon.
Can my alt heal my main (without key replicator of any kind) for a elite quest or vise-versa.
There is no grey lines, it's very clear.
1. Could you have done this without a second account on retail? If yes, go to 2
2. Are you banking or using an enchanter to enchant in the capital cities?
If you answered No on 2, it's not allowed. It blows my mind that people really can't wrap their heads around this.
If your main is looking for a dungeon, say "60 hunter/warlock/mage/etc main LFG instance". It isn't hard.
Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.
Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:10 pm
by Solmyr
There are grey lines even after the several clarifications provided by Nostalrius staff. You are misinterpreting their policy, nervous, in order to simplify it - since you are staying on the safe side of the grey line, this is not bad, but it is also not the full story.
The current multiboxing rules are not exhausting enough and do not cover all examples. There are examples, which are clearly forbidden and others, that are clearly allowed. It is important to note that the allowed examples are just examples - they do not exhaust the possible situations where multiboxing is allowed.
To the community's best knowledge, the intent behind the multiboxing rules is to prevent people using multiboxing to achieve any form of advantage, that they couldn't have achieved with a single vanilla account back in retail, with the exception of banking and non-gathering professions - in other words Nostalrius wants you to experience the game as if you only had one account, but makes an exception to this rule for banking and crafting professions - those are allowed simultaneously, even though you couldn't have achieved that with a single vanilla account.
If we use the above as a guideline, I can immediately provide you with an example, which is not stated in the current multiboxing rules, that should be allowed:
Player has two accounts - X and Y. Both have lvl60 characters on them. He logs them in simultaneously and goes to Silithus with X and Felwood with Y. He tabs to X and begins grinding, Y is on the background, afk, doing nothing. He does that for a few minutes, then stops, tabs to Y and begins grinding on it, while X is afk. While both characters remain online for this entire process, there is no interaction between the two, no simultaneous commands by the player issues to the characters and, most importantly, he could have done that with a single account in vanilla, by logging in and logging out between the two characters, had they been on the same account. But logging in and logging out are a strain to both the server and the player and since no advantage is gained by doing it with two accounts, except not having to constantly login and out, it does not violate the intent of the guidelines.
Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.
Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:09 pm
by Sunsi
No Solmyr, that is a clear violation. it is not a grey area. Is this your confession?
Clarification on multiboxing
Multiboxing refers to playing multiple separate characters simultaneously. This can either be achieved by using multiple separate machines to run the game or by running multiple separate instances of the game. It is against the rules to /follow level characters, run dungeons or raids with multiple characters, PvP with multiple characters, etc. There are only a few situations where multiboxing is allowed in Nostalrius, e.g.:
Trading items between accounts.
Professions, as long as no farming is involved;
i.e. You can have two characters ingame simultaneously for crafting, enchanting, or trading purposes.
This paragraph states multiboxing is not allowed except under certain listed circumstances. This means, in no uncertain terms, that it is illegal to do ANYTHING that is not expressly allowed. There is very little interpretation. The "grey area" is much smaller than you seem to think.
You may not have two characters logged in at the same time unless you are using the second one to trade the first an item, or to perform some tradeskill. Gathering professions are implicitly not allowed. Technically, nothing says the second character HAS to be kept in a city, but you can certainly consider the ice to be thin.
There is also nothing saying the trade or tradeskill action has to be be to your first character, although it is implied. Once again, the ice would be thin.
Given that it is their party and they can ban you if they want too, because they want too, I would not put a lot of trust in technicalities to save your butt. I imagine some will get away with it for a time, but eventually someone will fall through, get banned, and whine about how unfair it is on some other forum.
Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.
Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:26 pm
by Chillout
Trading bank alts, scouts, hate whisper alts are allowed afaik.
Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.
Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:54 pm
by Mdmadam
Have we already touched on the issue of people having opposing faction alts as spies for ganking/griefing purposes? I'm all for being legitimately ganked but that method seems very spineless and dishonorable.