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NA Players

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 11:48 pm
by Vegas
Hows your latency in the game?

i have 140-160ms (from Vegas) with some random packet loss here and there but with the the server lag it feels a lot worse. I wanted to play a Melee character but with a latency this high i wont be able to PVP or Raid effectively so i rolled a caster instead. I already tried some Tunneling services (WTF, smoothping, etc) but for some reason no matter what tunneling server location i try (even in France) my latency get's worse it's actually better if i don't use one at all.

The hand full of NA servers i found are terribad, p2w or just unpopulated. How do you guys cope with high latency?

Re: NA Players

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 1:06 am
by Statikk
California here. Also 150-160ms. 150/160ms is fine for playing any class. You're feeling actual server lag. It doesn't matter where your ping is or where you are connecting from. Once the load is high enough you will feel it anywhere. Adding a VPN into the mix will always make your latency worse because it adds overhead. Basically you can either live with the latency or you can't and you just hope for a second server.

Re: NA Players

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:18 am
by Mauda
I'm in Denmark (EU) and I'm feeling the lag, even if my ping is low; actually the lag is equally bad, even if my ping is high or low. I wouldn't call it terrible - but it can be cause for some frustration. It's simply the state of the servers at the moment. A NA server is highly unlikely, as it will be closed down by Blizzard very fast - and a second server? I doubt, it would remove the load, that already exist (who would move there?). What we can do, is wait it out (hardware upgrades, population will equalize, etc) and/or play at off-times. Afternoon in week days europe, hovers around 4-5k players and it's mostly a smooth ride; that would be around mid-day US east coast. Basically, if you can play 5-8 hours earlier than normal, you will have an advantage (as a US player). Difficult while maintaining a work schedule, I know - but summer holidays are comming up and perhaps a chance to catch up? Play smart and through it all appreciate the advantage this server has - which is it's huge community. :)

Re: NA Players

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:28 am
by Statikk
Even if they do create another server I doubt they would be labeled by region and they would both definitely be hosted in the same place. Even if the current server were hosted in NA the lag would remain the same. I do think that a lot of people would move to a new server though.

Blizzard never offered any Oceanic realms in retail vanilla and those players took it upon themselves to name 2 realms as the unofficial oceanic realms. It worked quite well. I'm sure the same would work here.

Re: NA Players

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:32 am
by AverageJoe
East coast U.S. here. I always get a reliable 124ms ping 99.99% of the time. Only ever had it jump in the red to 850ms one time for about an hour but that was way back in March when they were still ironing out a lot of the server crashes. I rarely ever notice any delay or server lag which kind of makes me feel bad because browsing the forums I see all these posters complaining about two to three second delays on casting and stuttering issues where the sound loops for a few seconds.

Guess some people are just lucky. :o

Re: NA Players

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:35 am
by Bioness
You realize people in Australia had to deal with constant 200-400ms for YEARS on retail right? They got used to it and so can you.

I live in Washington state and mine stays between 145-155ms. I'm also one of the lucky ones (apparently) where I barely experience any server lag (note lag is different from latency).

Re: NA Players

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:00 am
by holkan
The server is fine except for EU prime time when theres like 7k+ players. Then your latency doesn't matter 30 100 200 you are going to have delay on everything because the server cant handle that many people. If you play at US prime time the server is fine and you can play w/ up to 250ish ping more comfortably then you can with 30 at prime time.