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How was Old Naxx40

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 7:47 pm
by Greul
All players who played retail classic (vanilla) remember Naxx...but most of them forget someting...called "statistics".

When Patch 1.11 was out blizz had like 5m accounts,but only 2m active because was less that 1m lvl60 players,around 1000 guild more or less.
Most of the guilds manage to clear MC/Onyx/ZG/BWL and some reach AQ20/40 but Naxx...was the only Raid who made ppl curse blizz,cry on forums for buffs/nerved etc.
I like to play MMO and games that have online content.but I play them for one purpose only,to compete vs be better that others and show that.If the game is not competitive is not fun :) so...I played in a hc guild 6/7 raiding days (4-5 hours) and watch over forums,ranking site,I made characters on all top realm only to check others progress and so on.
Before TBC I had a list with all hc guilds and the progress on Naxx,the true is only 20 guild manage to clear and gear up 70% with naxx gear,so lets say 800 players had t3 (half or more) from a pool of 1m players :)

Back in the days was not all about skills,u need skills + best items + best ench,food and a lot of time for Naxx.
The game was build to play more and more to become adicted and pump money in subscribe,was not build to be easy,farm 2 weeks gear up kill all :)) in the point when ppl are tired and say "fuck this,it take to long il start to play other game" quess what? magic patch arive,with improve and nerves so the "noobs" came back in game and clear contents :) this is "blizz tactic"

Anyway the point is next,if this will be a blizz like,even if ppl know the tactic,how to play,where to farm etc...will take time to reach naxx and to clear,if the things will happen to fast is mean someting is broken,like % drop chance,boss mecanism etc.I remember it toke me half of year only to gear up ppl to start MC,did milions of runs to get all pices,also we farm a lot of trash mobs inside only to get drops before we actualy start to aim for bosses..was hard and a long proces,for example healers had big problems with farming,low stats to dps mobs in world,respect to dps to farm shits then respec to healer for raid was not rly cheep...was a pain in the ass.

Re: How was Old Naxx40

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:09 pm
by Armagedda
Yes, it's gonna take a long time. Yes, Naxx will be insanely difficult, as is appropriate. Yes, Naxx is going to be a lot of hard work and dedication and wipes and a lot of long nights and arguing about strats and roles on Team Speak - that's life! That's what creates memories and cultures.

Re: How was Old Naxx40

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:15 pm
by Loken
Competitive yes, but it was a bad business choice, only 1% of the playerbase ever set foot in that raid, a lot less clearing it, so I believe your numbers are correct. However I might get there, someday...I have a retribution pally video in Naxx during vanilla, so I have hopes I'll be one as well hahahha.

Re: How was Old Naxx40

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:16 pm
by Guirssane
cmon naxx isn't that hard nowdays, strat aren't really hard, the only thing hard is to manage 40 people.
Would've been funny the first time people did Thaddius tho.

"alright everybody let's group up on the boss, hey look Captain, we've got a weird debuff on ourselves, a plus and a minus. what does it mea... *dead*"

Re: How was Old Naxx40

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:20 pm
by Knetik
My biggest memory of Naxx40 was fights like 4HM and Patchwerk. We had to countdown heals on the tanks so a heal would hit them immediately after the previous one or they would just fall over like flies. It was crazy fun and challenging. I haven't seen any private server scale it appropriately yet.

Re: How was Old Naxx40

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:23 pm
by TheLockKing
Lemme just put it this way.

Even in ZA gear, my guild had a hard time doing Naxx40.
Z. A.
10 levels AFTER Naxx40.

Re: How was Old Naxx40

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:24 pm
by Orkchop
Guirssane wrote:cmon naxx isn't that hard nowdays, strat aren't really hard, the only thing hard is to manage 40 people.
Would've been funny the first time people did Thaddius tho.

"alright everybody let's group up on the boss, hey look Captain, we've got a weird debuff on ourselves, a plus and a minus. what does it mea... *dead*"

The strats are rather simple, but a lot of mechanics and whatnot were unforgiving. Damage was really high as well. Even things like Anubrekhan's bug swarm could kill people so fast. At lvl 60 it did about 1200dmg per stack every 2 seconds. In Wotlk Naxx at lvl 80, it did 1100-1600 or so depending on 10-25. So it did more damage at 60 in some cases than it did at 80.... Think about it.

Re: How was Old Naxx40

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:29 pm
by Guirssane
Orkchop wrote:
Guirssane wrote:cmon naxx isn't that hard nowdays, strat aren't really hard, the only thing hard is to manage 40 people.
Would've been funny the first time people did Thaddius tho.

"alright everybody let's group up on the boss, hey look Captain, we've got a weird debuff on ourselves, a plus and a minus. what does it mea... *dead*"

The strats are rather simple, but a lot of mechanics and whatnot were unforgiving. Damage was really high as well.

Yes that's why I said nowdays, we know the mechanics, even if the damage are high we aren't clickers anymore, everybody (or almost everybody) knows how to play his character. Shouldn't be much trouble. Aq40 has way more challenging bosses imo.

Re: How was Old Naxx40

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:30 pm
by Flufybacon
The difficulty in Naxx wasn't the mechanics, it was the numbers. If you had a group of 40 people in full aq40-bwl gear (unlikely) your group still wouldn't be geared enough.

Doesn't matter if you're a clicker or not, the unavoidable damage was still insanely high.

Re: How was Old Naxx40

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:31 pm
by TheLockKing
Guirssane wrote:
Orkchop wrote:
Guirssane wrote:cmon naxx isn't that hard nowdays, strat aren't really hard, the only thing hard is to manage 40 people.
Would've been funny the first time people did Thaddius tho.

"alright everybody let's group up on the boss, hey look Captain, we've got a weird debuff on ourselves, a plus and a minus. what does it mea... *dead*"

The strats are rather simple, but a lot of mechanics and whatnot were unforgiving. Damage was really high as well.

Yes that's why I said nowdays, we know the mechanics, even if the damage are high we aren't clickers anymore, everybody (or almost everybody) knows how to play his character. Shouldn't be much trouble. Aq40 has way more challenging bosses imo.

Doesn't matter. When you can get easily one-shot as a non-tank because someone didn't notice you had a debuff, there will be pain. And salt.