Greul wrote:Well I can`t remember the amount of realms,but in first 10-15 weeks they reach 1m - 1.5m accounts.
Lets say Eu had 500.000 users and 30 servers,that make 16666/server and lets say only 30% was online avg/hour is mean 5000.
So in this case 5000=full / 3500=high / 2000=med / 500=low
After altmost 1 year since release they had 5m accounts but in the time more servers too,so basic the cap per realm remain the same,also more acounts but more inactive players too my personal opinion is if this server will have 2000 players and 25% active all the time is mean 500 so..yes u will have a low server pop like a retail server was back then.
Xcr0z wrote:I am rly hyped to Wow Vanilla but the biggest part for me is Server population ... how big were Servers in 2005 2006 or maybe today and how possible is it to reach this goal ? does there exist any numbers ? i dont want to play on a server where i have to search 1 week to get a raid or smth ;/
Tunare wrote:Population will be fine, the problem will be that everybody is a 10 year WoW expert now, and will know the tricks, the best spots, how to raid MC and BWL etc, nothing is new, its just a race. This can cause facerolled content and turn 1-60 into a server first race instead of enjoying the nostalgia and the game.
DezzCadena wrote:50% of ppl will drop the game on the way to 60 lvl. sad but true.