Leveling advice

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Leveling advice

by Naroy » Sun Jun 14, 2015 3:51 am

Ive done all SM quests, Arathi, and southshore and desolace quests and I am only level 38 and ill i have left is red quests in STV any advice?
some people told me to go to dustwallow but all thats there is the clue quests and some guy asking for spices :/

Re: Leveling advice

by Antipatra » Sun Jun 14, 2015 3:58 am

Most alliance Theramore quests start somewhere else. There are two in Stormwind -> Mage Quarter -> Tavern. You can also start some low level Tanaris quests. Badlands will have some quests as well, but they are scattered. That is probably your best bet, TBH (Badlands).

You're pretty much at the level where you'll need to travel around a lot and finish quests here and there to advance (without grinding). You might hit that point again close to 50.

Re: Leveling advice

by Membraniac » Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:17 pm

Definitely to to the shimmering flats and grind out basilisks for your mount fund. They drop lots of greys and some greens.
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Re: Leveling advice

by Norjak » Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:31 pm

Make sure to check the Faldir's Cove area in the south of Arathi (behind Stromgarde Keep) but some of the underwater stuff is a pain if you're solo. You might be able to start in Badlands at 38. Run Scarlet Monastery a couple of times, including quests.
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