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I will reward lvl 1-29 characters for gaining pvp standing

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:31 am
by Simonich
(Do not move this out of general discussion please)

If you are level 1-29 and earn 25 honorable kills during a PvP week, I will reward you with 50 silver. You will have to be in Orgrimmar so I can inspect your honor, then you will receive your reward. You can receive this reward once a week. The reward will be given by my alt Fwbanker, but I'm mainly on my main Voroshilov, you can whisper me for the reward. (reward changed at 15-6)

Honorable kills are earned if youre in a group and enemy player dies to you, or if you deal damage to an enemy player that dies in the end.

I will do this to make the low level battlegrounds more active, and also slightly make ranking easier for higher lvl people, cause of the variety of standings that exist with tiny amounts of honor (those who know the honor system in vanilla may understand).

The reward is small at the time because that is what I can afford giving, Im about to reach lvl 60 so I will be able to earn huge amounts of gold. Once I do that, this will be more rewarding and it will apply for higher level brackets as well, so it will also encourage people to do a little world PvP too.

For the Horde!

Here are some examples

Re: I will reward lvl 1-29 characters for gaining pvp standi

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:33 am
by Lobreeze
30 silver.... such generosity...

Re: I will reward lvl 1-29 characters for gaining pvp standi

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:41 am
by Holmes
Lobreeze wrote:30 silver.... such generosity...

make something.... better...

Re: I will reward lvl 1-29 characters for gaining pvp standi

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:54 am
by Simonich
Of course as this is a matter of PvP, if we want this to work at some point, we will need an inspired alliance player to do the same work on their side.

Step up!

Re: I will reward lvl 1-29 characters for gaining pvp standi

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 10:01 am
by Simonich
Lobreeze wrote:30 silver.... such generosity...

If you wanna talk about generosity : viewtopic.php?f=6&t=13230

+ actually read the post

Re: I will reward lvl 1-29 characters for gaining pvp standi

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 12:05 pm
by Sham
Horde so bad at pvp that needs to be paid for HKs?

Re: I will reward lvl 1-29 characters for gaining pvp standi

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 12:09 pm
by Simonich
Sham wrote:Horde so bad at pvp that needs to be paid for HKs?

This trolling doesn't even deserve a 1/10, I wish these posts could be deleted for being so horrible.

Re: I will reward lvl 1-29 characters for gaining pvp standi

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 12:24 pm
by Sham
Simonich wrote:
Sham wrote:Horde so bad at pvp that needs to be paid for HKs?

This trolling doesn't even deserve a 1/10, I wish these posts could be deleted for being so horrible.

Or maybe not horde, you're so bad at pvp that have to pay others to do pvp for you. Yep, this must be it

Re: I will reward lvl 1-29 characters for gaining pvp standi

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 12:51 pm
by Simonich
Sham wrote:
Simonich wrote:
Sham wrote:Horde so bad at pvp that needs to be paid for HKs?

This trolling doesn't even deserve a 1/10, I wish these posts could be deleted for being so horrible.

Or maybe not horde, you're so bad at pvp that have to pay others to do pvp for you. Yep, this must be it

Holy shit...

Just read the first post man, not only the first line this time. You people want to shit on other people the moment you get the chance. This is about making lower level brackets more popular, and at the same time slightly boost the rankers of standing 200-800.

Re: I will reward lvl 1-29 characters for gaining pvp standi

PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 12:35 am
by tigahawk
It could be that he has a twink and is getting frustrated at the 1hr queue times for a game.

I am now out of that bracket or i'd put my hand up for it. Tell me when your in the 30-39 bracket.

I gave up on WSG due to the queue times. There is one hell of a lot of PVP going on in shimmering flats if you wanted an alternate tho!