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Leather Market

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 7:35 pm
by Lemmywinkz
Has anyone else realized how extremely low leather is priced on the server...? I haven't noticed it really with anything else besides leather, but its literally dirt cheap. Maybe its because the server is so new and expanded so fast.

Re: Leather Market

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 7:53 pm
by Aunstic
When the server first came out, I tried selling leather on my mage. I noticed leather stacks were under vendor price because people fucked up with undercutting. Started buying stacks of leather that was under vendor price and just sold them to the vendor. Free silver.

As for thick leather and rugged leather, I've been profiting off of it. About 25 silver per stack of thick leather and 18.5 silver per stack on rugged leather.

Re: Leather Market

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 8:02 pm
by Bioness
It isn't just leather, a lot of reagents I've been finding are at or barely above the vendor price, meaning people are losing money posting that stuff on the Auction House even if it were to sell.

Re: Leather Market

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 8:03 pm
by Bio-Booster
Meanwhile the devilsaur market has only continued to increase in price.

I payed 7-8g per skin back when I made my set in the first week of launch...

Re: Leather Market

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 8:05 pm
by Lemmywinkz
Aunstic wrote:When the server first came out, I tried selling leather on my mage. I noticed leather stacks were under vendor price because people fucked up with undercutting. Started buying stacks of leather that was under vendor price and just sold them to the vendor. Free silver.

As for thick leather and rugged leather, I've been profiting off of it. About 25 silver per stack of thick leather and 18.5 silver per stack on rugged leather.

25s per stack of thick and 18.5 on rugged is terrible low man... Medium used to go close to a gold for a stack.

Re: Leather Market

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:25 pm
by Xylon666Darkstar
Everyone and their mother is a skinner trying to tap into the Devilsaur market, not realizing it's being held in a conflicting monopoly amongst the chinese/russians vs alliance ganking teams in Ungoro. With leather the way it is being plentiful from any beast you can sink your knife into, they come out to be oversupplied and thus dirt cheap on AH.

Re: Leather Market

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 10:40 pm
by Aunstic
Lemmywinkz wrote:
Aunstic wrote:When the server first came out, I tried selling leather on my mage. I noticed leather stacks were under vendor price because people fucked up with undercutting. Started buying stacks of leather that was under vendor price and just sold them to the vendor. Free silver.

As for thick leather and rugged leather, I've been profiting off of it. About 25 silver per stack of thick leather and 18.5 silver per stack on rugged leather.

25s per stack of thick and 18.5 on rugged is terrible low man... Medium used to go close to a gold for a stack.

That was the profit of it. I count profit as $soldFromAH - ($vendorPrice + $AHcut). Thick leather went anywhere around 1g-1.4g per stack and rugged leather fluctuated a lot.