by arrows » Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:16 am
1. Casual raiding is kinda a thing? Depends a lot on what type of guild you are looking at. A lot of more PVE oriented guilds are going to want consistent people since over time people get in sync and clear content easier. Back in ye old days of vanilla once guilds got large enough to run a second crew to MC / Ony but needed to flesh out the ranks (maybe the guild had 30 players and needed another 10) they would recruit friends outside the guild and people they knew in town to be trustworthy. You can do casual raiding, but be prepared to maybe not have the highest chance of loot. If I recall correctly only about 4-6 items (epic) would drop per boss. That's divided among 40 people.
2. Raids (40 man instances) are set on a weekly timer. The progression of a weekly raid stops at the last boss you kill. Once you clear ANY boss in a raid you are "locked" to that raid instance. If you tried to join someone else's raid in the same week you would get an error message. If someone joined your raid (and they hadn't been locked yet) they would be as far progressed as your raid instance is set. It wasn't uncommon for guilds to farm the first 2 giants in MC and reset the raid (it was possible) to try for some t1 gear (some of the t1 gear dropped from trash mobs)
If you truly want to experience 40 man raids, which is a lot of fun, I would highly suggest trying to get into a guild oriented to doing them.
Best of luck!