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Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:19 am
by Hammerfall
Hi everyone, first let me start of by saying this project looks fantastic, it's goal, planning, and future is all clearly well thought out and made clear.
I do also love and appreciate the fact that there will be an eventual tbc / wotlk to which our progress could be copied and carry on the progression through the higher expansions, but my question is, how does the team here plan on dealing with the population split?
Speaking from an Ex-GM point of view and having seen a few servers eventually losing their player base once its split and end up in ruin, it would be good to know if there's going to be some conditions that have to be met, and that this part of the project will be as well planned out as the rest.
Fri Dec 05, 2014 12:21 pm
by Drain
I don't think you should worry about different patches hurting the population. Players are going to pick the one they want regardless. BC servers already exist, and players would play on them right now instead of Classic if they wanted to. Instead of waiting for Nostalrius, you'd be waiting for Corecraft. The BC realm will primarily attract a new audience of players that like BC, not Classic. It won't steal everyone from the Classic realm; it'll attract new BC players. It won't be directly conflicting with your Classic population. Some players may move up after they've had their fill of 60 content, but they could have moved to a BC server anyway. At the end of the day, each realm will have its own unique following, not really conflicting with each other for players. Personally, I plan to do 100% raid content in Classic before I move up, which is something I never did originally before Blizzard shoved BC down my throat, and that's no easy task either. It's going to take a long time. Ask any Classic or even BC player how long it takes to go through each raid tier.
Sat Dec 06, 2014 2:06 pm
by TheAnointedOne
Well I "like" everything what called WoW and what was before Cataclysm or before the end of WotLK where Greg Street and Co. began to destroy the game.
Classic was not perfect at all, BC was not perfect at all and WotLK was not perfect at all. But all has their good sides and nowadays WoW is a totally different game and this new game is as I already said garbage. There is not one single good side.
In my opinion in my point of view Classic had for example the best quest area. To discover the world was a very good side of Classic. But the gamemechanic was weak (still infinit better than todays WoW). PvP was weak because it was not real competitive.
BC improved the gamemechanics in general and the PvP experience. WotLK improved the gamemechanics in general and the PvP experience. But old faults never was corrected. For example the fact that you must play in a group to get best gear in PvP. You can theoretically be the best player on this whole universe it does not matter if you have no group. That is for a PvP-element very stupid. Then for pvp best gear should be available for all players. PvP should has something to do with skill not with who has the best equipment. But okay till WotLK you could be successful even with relativ bad gear. But that is still not as it should be in PvP. In PvP the skill should make the difference.
All these flaws Blizzard left in the game after WotLK. They even expand these flaws because only guilds get the best titles, the best stuff - in PvP! That is very very dumb and it shows how stupid the officials at Blizzard are. I mean if some random people in the forums have no clue this is one thing but a guy who earn 60 millions US-Dollar per year should not be retarded like an ape. And this is more an insult for the ape than for the guy who get 60 millions per year only for being stupid. Such a guy should know what he is doing.
This is only one point of the game. The problem with the so called private servers is that until now nobody had success really to make the gamemechanics blizzardlike what is very important for a good pvp-experience. Quests does not work properly. If you have problems with the quests I can help you. I dont know if you need help. But some things I solved by my own. I give you the database dates if you need them. No problem. Then no BGs open on private servers. Only a few on maximal level. That means the most people who play on private servers are pure PvE-players. What I can not unterstand to be honest because if I just wanna raid then I can actually play the original WoW. Because even if the official WoW is garbage raid-players in guilds should have still fun. Even today. My suggestion would to reduce the necessairy amount of players for Warsong and Arathi to one player. That means if one alliance player and one horde player wanna play BGs they will play BGs. That is one solution. The next solution would be to add PvP-Bots in the game. It is necessary for people who wanna play BGs 24 hours a day. But of course not such cheating superbots as in WoW today. The bots must be weaker than human players.
Well for real guild-raid-players the motivation to play is to play with other people to communicate with these people to get "friends". And this motivation is satisfied even today in WoW. That makes me wonder why so less PvP-player plays on private servers.
Today PvP is totally dead for example. Discovering the world is dead. Professions are dead. So I would expect more players of these groups on private servers than pure PvE-guild-raid-players.