Give a shout out to players of the opposite faction

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Give a shout out to players of the opposite faction

by Karik » Wed Jun 17, 2015 9:08 pm

We don't usually communicate beyond a /wave or /ty but it doesn't mean we don't have cool experiences. Anyone who's played more than a few hours will have a cool story to share. Maybe they...

  • outwitted you in a fight you were sure you'd won.
  • helped you out instead of going for an easy kill.
  • gave you the most epic fight you've ever had.
  • whatever else you can think to share.

My story is about an Undead Mage called Equilibrium.

I hit level 49 and decide it's time to give BGs a try. Levelling's slowed down a bit and I could use a change of pace. I queue up, it pops instantly and I hop in.

While the buffs are going up some guy on our team says "Oh, man. Equilibrium's here." to which I ask "Is he good?"

"We always lose when he's here."

The game starts and it turns out he was right. This guy is good. In groups, he attacks the right targets, keeps himself out of reach and CCs so often you'd think he had a pet sheep. But it's in 1v1 that he excels. As far as I could tell, he wasn't making mistakes and I couldn't for the life of me (literally) trick him into wasting his counterspell. Our team gets crushed but I queue up 2 more times to finish up the quest before swearing off pug BGs. Damn AFKers.

The next day I'm in a group for a Maraudon run and we're clearing trash on the orange side to get to the instance and there is Equilibrium. Alone. He's killing elites by himself, I think. Someone in party chat asks if we're going to kill him and I say no. Partly because it wouldn't be fair but mostly because I wasn't sure he wouldn't take 1-2 of us down with him.

So here's my shout out to you, Equilibrium, you smug little #*%$. :D
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Re: Give a shout out to players of the opposite faction

by Membraniac » Wed Jun 17, 2015 9:27 pm

A few weeks ago I was farming leather in STV, where most mobs were green for me. I noticed a gnome mage or something fighting mobs but I decided not to gank him. I finish killing a few mobs and have low health and mana, the mage decides to make his move. I calmly heal myself to full with one spell (I'm a resto shaman) and start whacking him with my mace. When his hp got low, he blinked away and swam into the water so I couldn't mount up to catch him. That's when I remembered I had water walking and plenty of reagents, so I Jesus walked, /waved and /loled then killed him before moving on. No camping of course.
Senior Sergeant
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Re: Give a shout out to players of the opposite faction

by Lindow » Wed Jun 17, 2015 10:05 pm

I was on my way to try and solo 'Hand of Iruxos' in the orc fortress in Maraudon when, right before I reached the central room where the red crystal is, two gnomes appeared and kindly helped me kill the quest mob (he was 5 levels above me, so I gladly took the help). Not only that, but they were both wearing helmets the size of their bodies, and they were /laughing, /dancing and doing the /train. The cuteness was just unbearable. For a few days I was the shame of Sylvannas, a dumb gnome lover undead.

That is, until I finally met Mortin, that little piece of shit... I hate you Mortin!
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Re: Give a shout out to players of the opposite faction

by Karik » Wed Jun 17, 2015 10:25 pm

Lindow wrote:That is, until I finally met Mortin, that little piece of shit... I hate you Mortin!

Who's Mortin? XD
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Re: Give a shout out to players of the opposite faction

by Lindow » Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:14 pm

Oh, just a gnome rogue I guess. I had a pretty peaceful leveling experience overall, even through Stranglethorn Valley, and I've only been camped twice. Needless to say he was the one in both occasions.
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Re: Give a shout out to players of the opposite faction

by winfernal » Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:35 am

McDotnald the 60 Warlock in winterspring, i hope you enjoyed my /chicken as much as i enjoyed getting smacked to the ground
Winfernal - 60 Orc Warrior (PvP)
Torghatten - 60 Gnome Mage (PvP)
Razà - 60 Undead Rogue (PvP)

R.I.P ^
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Senior Sergeant

Re: Give a shout out to players of the opposite faction

by sascha1es » Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:27 am

As I'm farming Thorium in the Burning Steppes as a Warlock, theres a Tauren Warrior who's doing the same and who I'm trying to kill every time. He know's he'd lose the fight so he just stays on his mount and waits till the fear breaks and he resists the next fear or is out of range, then rides away with about 33%hp wishing me farewell and laughing at me. As much as this is frustrating, it's also kinda funny to me because it happened like 3 or 4 times already.

Re: Give a shout out to players of the opposite faction

by Colezz » Thu Jun 18, 2015 10:54 am

Was on my way to black rock mountain on my ally priest when there was a warlock in front of me with his succubus. Wanted to avoid him since hate fighting warlock so tried to hide behind a rock a little bit. No luck as he turned around and and started dotting / fearing / charming me. Managed to get a sw:p off on him and out of shadow form for desperate prayer since my health was going fast. Finally win by the skin of my teeth using all my engineering cool downs and potions. Anyway he ressed up next to me and /cry so I nodded and went on my way . Came back to thorium point a while later and he was there along with some 60 mages who were honour farming. I was killed instantly but then the lock said something in orcish is to the mages and when I ressed I wasn't killed. I regen and we did some duels between us with respect! Was nice to see less hatred between factions. Thanks Teph!
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Give a shout out to players of the opposite faction

by oneandonleeroy » Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:20 am

When Nostalrius got released it's where my story begins. Days before I had registered an account and I couldn't handle my excitement when I saw the character creation screen.

But things shall turn fast. Decisions about class, race and name had been made. I altered the visual appearance to my level of satisfaction, then went for the create character button.

Name is currently unavailable

WHAT TEH HEX......who already stole my name just a few minutes after release!?

Well long story short. I changed my name quite a bit and moved on. One day on my road to level 60 I came across the ugly whore from Durotar.

Lee - the most dumb name for an orc i've ever seen and, in fact this butthole has taken my precious name.

That's it. Nothing special, just my one cent.


Re: Give a shout out to players of the opposite faction

by Karik » Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:21 pm

Colezz wrote:Was nice to see less hatred between factions. Thanks Teph!

That's awesome!
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