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Alliance or Horde?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:48 am
by PhireFoxRBLX
Unsure of what faction to choose! Which side needs more players to equal it out? I'm already leaning towards Alliance because Paladins rock and are fun to roleplay with, but if Horde needs help tell me!

Re: Alliance or Horde?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:29 am
by mike1097
Choose what you want to play not what the server "needs".
Keep in mind that you look at your character for months or years and it should fit in your expectations.

I'm one of the players who choose their race because of looks not because of racials so this is only my opinion.

Re: Alliance or Horde?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:39 am
by arrows
+1 for mike1097. Seeing as much activity as there is on the guild boards and from here in general you will absolutely find a home regardless of what side you choose. Oddly enough you might consider choosing a faction based on some of the earlier content since both factions get to do late content. For instance you can do Stockades if you roll Horde, but I can tell you it is a b*tch to actually get inside the instance.. Same goes for RFC for the alliance. Everyone raids MC / Ony / BWL later on, so in my opinion you will find a bit more flavor in the game before you hit 60.

Re: Alliance or Horde?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:43 am
by Trendy
It looks as if Horde need more people right now but choose the faction that you would like to play

Re: Alliance or Horde?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:47 am
by Præisten
If you like paladins, go paladin. Nothing is worse than rolling a faction, class or race you don't like. Roll what you want and have fun. See you in Azeroth tomorrow.

Re: Alliance or Horde?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:11 am
by Necfo
The Alliance Guild HQ has a few more posts and views than the Horde.

I joined the forums to help me decide as well. :)

Re: Alliance or Horde?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:45 am
by Imbaslap
I'd choose whichever you feel like playing with. PVE -> alliance, PVP -> horde.

also keep in mind, if you plan on raiding or doing something of that sort, check out the guilds on both factions that fit your schedule if you decide to raid.

Re: Alliance or Horde?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:56 am
by Linc
For the Alliance! :D

Re: Alliance or Horde?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 10:47 am
by Delso
i take an opinion beside all the "play what you like"-Guys.

If you need an answer: Alliance or Horde, i stay with the alliance.

Reasons(and all the following are all just my opinions):
1: In 40man Raids Alliance is superior (i repeat: all just my opinions). I dont want to start the whole Paladin or Shamans discussion, my feeling is and always was, Paladin Blessings (if you got 3 Paladins or more) are stronger than Totems. This and dwarfes Fearward.
And 2nd: Location Location Location :). We will start with MC and Onyxia only. Later we have BWL. The first 6 months to a year , the Blackrock will be the centre of the World (of warcraft).
And even after that. ZG is very reachable from Stormwind (also the Yojamba Island for Hakkar Head Buffs)
When you playing Horde you are sitting in Orgrimmar.... yeah , everything is only 5 minutes Airship and 10 min. wyvern away.

But that was just my Opinion man.

Re: Alliance or Horde?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 4:41 pm
by TheLockKing
Go Alliance. And then be a gnome. Now I have another person to snack on :D