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Question for when the expansion comes out

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:16 am
by Argionelite
I heard from some people that we will be able to transfer our characters, and from others we will copy our characters. Which one is correct? Also will there be faction/race changes available?

Re: Question for when the expansion comes out

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 3:23 am
by Oniss
BUMP! Same Q's

Re: Question for when the expansion comes out

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 5:15 am
by fish
Would also like to know.

Re: Question for when the expansion comes out

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 5:22 am
by Bioness
Argionelite wrote:I heard from some people that we will be able to transfer our characters, and from others we will copy our characters. Which one is correct? Also will there be faction/race changes available?

1) That server won't be out for several years, at minimum a few months after Naxxaramas is cleared.

2) Yes, the mobs have stated there will be a transfer service to allow your Vanilla character to head into the Burning Crusade, however you won't be able to change back (obviously).

3) If the Nostalrius staff is sticking to their "We must be as blizz- like as possible" stance, then the answer is NO there will not be any faction or race change available as both of these services were release in 2009, during Wrath of the Lich King.

I would also like to point out that there is a search function, seeing as how your question has been asked (and answered) too many times to count.

Re: Question for when the expansion comes out

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 7:15 am
by Klanlock
Bioness wrote:That server won't be out for several years, at minimum a few months after Naxxaramas is cleared.

Several years? More like a year tops, man. The content doesn't have to be "made from scratch" remember that. It's already all made, it just needs scripting and fixing. The models, worlds, and general ideas are all there.

Re: Question for when the expansion comes out

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 7:24 am
by Chester
Really hoping they let us copy our characters instead of transfer them so we can come back to vanilla and play should we choose to copy our character to BC.

Re: Question for when the expansion comes out

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 8:00 am
by Lifat
Klanlock wrote:
Bioness wrote:That server won't be out for several years, at minimum a few months after Naxxaramas is cleared.

Several years? More like a year tops, man. The content doesn't have to be "made from scratch" remember that. It's already all made, it just needs scripting and fixing. The models, worlds, and general ideas are all there.

It's not just a question of scripting and fixing. Remember that they have a release schedule where they artificially wait with releasing new patches untill a certain amount of time has passed after a specific raid has been cleared. It might actually take a year or two before Nax is released.

Re: Question for when the expansion comes out

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 4:30 pm
by Bioness
Klanlock wrote:
Bioness wrote:That server won't be out for several years, at minimum a few months after Naxxaramas is cleared.

Several years? More like a year tops, man. The content doesn't have to be "made from scratch" remember that. It's already all made, it just needs scripting and fixing. The models, worlds, and general ideas are all there.

Thanks for proving to everyone how much of a computer illiterate you are. Look at other private servers if it were that simple, then glitches would be none existent. There are servers that have been out for years and certain mechanics and fights still don't work properly.

But please go on about how "easy" it is to manage and develop a private server.

Lifat wrote:It's not just a question of scripting and fixing. Remember that they have a release schedule where they artificially wait with releasing new patches untill a certain amount of time has passed after a specific raid has been cleared. It might actually take a year or two before Nax is released.

I will tell you right now, I doubt they have much of that content ready, their "release schedule" is a general idea of when they project they will have the scripting complete.

Re: Question for when the expansion comes out

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 5:10 pm
by Membraniac
Bioness, I think when people say that they're referring to the French version of Nost that previously existed and did not do well. In that sense, the game was supposedly put together. Still, after several years the devs are tinkering with the code because if yesterday is any indication, every time they add or change a feature it breaks three seemingly unrelated ones, such as flight paths. I also don't believe that they have Naxx or even AQ40 even ready to start testing at this time let alone release. Allegedly even AV has major gamebreaking issues so we've got to anticipate it for an unknown amount of time. At this point, I think it's clear the team has a skeleton at most and so I agree with your estimate of a year or even two possibly. And of course that is assuming we're all still playing then.

Re: Question for when the expansion comes out

PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 5:55 pm
by Arael
I don't think they will be copied, they will be moved, it would have more sense.