Edit, since you've done the same above me.Hacking and phishing are not the same. Yes, you can potentially abuse the system by stealing another player's email address through a phishing site, but you have compromised your account security by logging in anywhere else than
htps://en.nostalrius.org with your WoW account credentials or
https://forum.nostalrius.org/ with your forum credentials. Checking the domain is the key to knowing where you are currently logging in to. The websites may be the same if you take the HTML/CSS/JS from the page, but the domain is what matters.
As the GMs cannot really go in depth on account security as they may not be allowed to work with account information, they are more like the middleman to the service. An admin can surely help you as they have both database and root (administrative) privileges on the server that Nostalrius Begins is hosted on. Having to reset your password through them was tedious and implementing a 24hr reset on the password reset function on the user control panel of
https://en.nostalrius.org is just there to be a security measure. I'm not sure how it works as I haven't read up on it nor have I used it myself.... I still prefer .account password $oldpassword $newpassword $newpassword as I know I'm logged into the account at the time. No email needed, no 'bullshit'.
As for you not being able to reset your password, have you attempted to ask Viper or Daemon about your problem? If someone has logged into your account, you can ask one of them to verify you as the owner since you created the account with this IP and the person who stays logged into your account has a different IP. Worth a shot?
I turned this thread over real quick.
Alexpulos wrote:Aunstic, I am a lvl 45 Alliance Rogue, would you gank me if you saw me?
Depends on my mood. Generally, no.
Zoey_Urbina wrote:Aunstic wrote:Zoey_Urbina started to replace me.
I'm not replacing you
You have far more knowledge than I have.
In terms of posting in the support and suggestions forums with helpful replies, I have been slacking. I kinda just let you take it over since you seem to care more than I do these days.