R14 weapons to be released at launch?

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R14 weapons to be released at launch?

by Vaped » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:33 pm

"Data processing regarding R14 weapons available during the patch 1.4 has been done.

We announce that these R14 weapons (related to the patch 1.4) will be available at server launch since statistics of these weapons will not bring a balance problem with PVE equipments progression. At ZG release, the weapons will be automatically upgraded with the stats from patch 1.12 : players won't have to buy the new ones, and enchantement on the weapon will be preserved."

So R14 weapons will be available at launch but just have the old stats and not the new stats right? Just getting clarity and notifying others just in case this change will change what they plan on doing once the server is released :D

Re: R14 weapons to be released at launch?

by Hatson » Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:46 pm

Yes, this means that R14 weapons will be available on launch, but in the state that they were back then on retail. Aka the pre-patch 1.6 versions of PvP gear. The same treatment is being done with the R7-R13 item sets.
They now have all the data they needed to make those changes be like it was on vanilla retail before BWL (patch 1.6.0).

This is a great change for the server balance, but also great change for the hardcore PvPers. Sure their gear here won't be as OP as it is on all other private servers before BWL is released. But it means that they don't have to worry about waiting for BWL to start grinding towards R14. Like the dev post mentioned, the weapons will be automatically upgraded with the new stats.

The one thing that's a bit strange to me is that they said "at ZG release" - Which is patch 1.7 - Even though it was BWL release - Which is patch 1.6 - That buffed all the PvP item sets and weapons.
The White Blacksmith.
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Re: R14 weapons to be released at launch?

by Boomshaka » Sun Nov 23, 2014 6:47 pm

Loving the timeline plans for this server
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