Healing Co-efficients

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Healing Co-efficients

by Imbaslap » Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:19 pm

One concern that many wow players may have (especially from other private servers) are the healing co-efficients on different ranked healing spells and the percent of +healing added to it.

On TR for instance, they had the Rank 3 Healing touch (Druid) was much lower than the intended co-efficient value.

I don't have the exact values of what they are at the moment, but I do know some private servers had incorrect values for co-efficients on healing spells which (rank 3/4 was the bread and butter for druid healing in vanilla) made it worse while raiding/pvping.

Any insight or information about this for Nostalrius for all classes and the co-efficients for +healing to spells? and are they accurate like it was in Vanilla retail?

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Re: Healing Co-efficients

by Germinou » Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:42 pm

Healing touch is 100% of your +healing, from the first rank which takes 3,5sec to cast ( without any talent) to the last.

Coefficient is decreased for the first ranks, before level 20, which are shorter to cast.

(Everything is more-or-less based on 3,5sec = 100%, then it's more or less proportional, I say more or less because I can't say it, I'm not a developer ... But my Flash heal was 42% so I guess it is)
Last edited by Germinou on Sun Nov 23, 2014 9:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Healing Co-efficients

by Askental » Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:58 pm

While I don't know for sure if the math is accurate, I can confirm that at least playing like this on NR was efficient, if that helps...
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Re: Healing Co-efficients

by Imbaslap » Sun Nov 23, 2014 9:52 pm

I am just curious as to how the Nos GM's have approached the lower rank heals and the proper % co-efficient from +healing on those as it is quite a big deal from a healer's perspective in regards to healing in raids.
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Re: Healing Co-efficients

by Youfie » Mon Nov 24, 2014 9:16 am

I remember researches had been done a whiiiile ago by the staff (if I remember correctly, Ivina, a former developer, was the one who took care of it).

I never played healer during the Beta, but as far as I know thorough researches were carried out back then, and healers on the server, including many theorycrafters or HL PvE healers, never brought back the issue, I think it was fixed once and for all.

I can't do this now but there might still exist a french post in the archives, maybe some beta tester could find it and make a quick translation of its content here.
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Re: Healing Co-efficients

by venven » Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:35 pm

Imbaslap wrote:I am just curious as to how the Nos GM's have approached the lower rank heals and the proper % co-efficient from +healing on those as it is quite a big deal from a healer's perspective in regards to healing in raids.

The fix:
http://archives.nostalrius.org/viewtopi ... ing#p19706

The report:
http://archives.nostalrius.org/viewtopi ... king#p9056

Koyra wrote:Downranking has been nerfed several times. The first time, it was nerfed so that any spell learned below level 20 suffered a penalty. Then, with patch 2.0.1 , it was nerfed again so that any spell of a certain number of levels too low was nerfed.

The most severe nerf was introduced with the release of patch 3.0.2 , which caused player spells to cost a percentage of the caster's base mana, which either remained constant for all ranks or decreased with higher ranks.

The original form of downranking penalty was the Level 20 penalty, applied to all spells level 20 and below based on the level the spell was learned. This applies from the moment the spell is acquired, but it usually does not matter to the lower level characters as spell power gear is rarely available until later in a character's progression.
sLvl = Level that the spell is acquired at
Level 20 Penalty Multiplier = 1 - ((20 - sLvl) * 0.0375)
With the original system, as long as the spell was over level 20, there was no penalty.
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Re: Healing Co-efficients

by Imbaslap » Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:55 pm

good to hear then! i'll surely be testing a lot of stuff when Nos opens up a pre-launch Beta to make sure. :D
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