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[Q] How does one "unlearn" a professon?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 1:20 am
by mtp1032
I want to drop herbalism and get trained in leather working. However, it is not obvious to me how to accomplish this.


Re: [Q] How does one "unlearn" a professon?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 1:24 am
by Aunstic
Press C
Go to Skills tab
Click the profession under the "professions" group.
Then click the red button:

Re: [Q] How does one "unlearn" a professon?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 12:53 pm
by mtp1032
[Face Palm] - Thanks. I was looking on the spell book and abilities menu.