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A few bugs I have noticed so far

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:07 am
by Talryx

First of all - GREAT JOB!

Here are a few bugs I noticed (and if there is a different preferred way of reporting them, please let me know.)

1.) Profile pics don't line up properly. Often my character's profile picture is not centered in the circle where it should show. The same goes for my pet, and often mobs/NPCs. Please note I am using the 1360x768 resolution.

2.) Guards speech text is usually missing when asking for directions in cities. For example, in Orgrimmar - when you ask a guard where something is, such as the hunter trainer, the next box which should contain text describing where it is, just says "Hello <Playername>" (my character's name of course.) I did notice it works in a couple of cases, such as asking where the Inn is in Orgrimmar. Also, it does place a marker on the map where the thing you asked about is, so the main function is there at least.

3.) The hunter pet system still seems a little screwed up. If my pet dies, I can't simply revive it most of the time - I have to click "summon pet" which then summons my pet's corpse, THEN revive it. I don't think this is correct. Also, the quests taming the beast where you tame a boar, then a crab, then a scorpid, were buggy for me. I would tame the animal in question, but then it wouldn't follow me unless I clicked "stay" then "follow" and after taming one, and turning in the quest, when they sent me to tame the next one, I would go and try to tame it and get a message saying I already have a pet. Logging out and back in got me past this.

Re: A few bugs I have noticed so far

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:39 am
by Aunstic