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Arathi Basin refuge pointe entrance?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 7:19 am
by skritsarn
I just picked up the quests for AB at refuge pointe. But i can't find a way to enter AB from there? Nothing happens when i run into the portal and there's no NPC i can talk to who will take me there either..

Just wondering if im missing something or if there's a bug.

Re: Arathi Basin refuge pointe entrance?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:56 am
by Aunstic
It's bugged. In a main city, you'll have to queue up at the battlemasters. A guard should be around to show you the way to them in your preferred city :)

Re: Arathi Basin refuge pointe entrance?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:54 pm
Forewarning though, if you queue up in a main city then hearth somewhere else, once the BG is done it will port you back to the main city