The daily trivia games in Orgrimmar are getting to be a problem, my chat is filled up with people asking questions and shouting answers and these people congregate right beside the bank so it reaches from the bank to the AH in the chat box I miss whispers, trade offers and groups because of this crap.
I have talked to a GM about the trivia games in Orgrimmar and he just told me to put them on ignore but the ignore list only has 25 people max and its already filled up with Nostalrius' other great people. The ticket I put in wasnt even to ask that he ban someone it was to ask him to tell the trivia people to take it somewhere else away from populated areas (something I already asked them to do and they gave me a some smart-a*s answer). After getting the first ticket I put in the second one explaining to him that I couldn't ignore them all and he just told me to stop cluttering the ticket system with something that has already been dealt with. The problem is that it hasn't been dealt with since only I had anything said to me.
If this was a "Blizzlike" server the way you love to brag in your videos then it would have been dealt with immediately, spamming is banable according to blizzard they even make an option to report spammers later on in the game. Just because you're too lazy to deal with it doesnt change the fact that it is "Mr. Customer Support."
screenshot of spammers:
screenshot of first GM ticket:
screenshot of second GM ticket:
Now let me discuss this second ticket in case you don't see what hes doing, the reason he says "don't clutter our ticket system" is because hes attempting (poorly) to set me up for a ban and then he has a legit reason to give me one for "spamming GM Ticket box". its not clever, its being lazy.