Disconnects, wtf? pls.
Wed Jul 01, 2015 9:45 pm
by Glas
Why 3 Disconnects?
I re-equipped my gear now for 3 times.
I got bored now.
1 more DC = im done.
Re: Disconnects, wtf? pls.
Wed Jul 01, 2015 10:09 pm
by Doofoos
3 TIMES REEQUPPED YOUR GEAR?! OMG! Thats must be very frustrating, nothing compared to 4 wipes on majordomo, 1 kill, rollback, major alive again, kill again, moving to ragna, dc, dc, raid over.
Re: Disconnects, wtf? pls.
Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:46 pm
by Glas
Every Single Person Is worth enough to care about!
Re: Disconnects, wtf? pls.
Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:30 am
by Lithys
And..... Godwin's point reached ! God that was fast.
Re: Disconnects, wtf? pls.
Thu Jul 02, 2015 2:34 pm
by Karik
Unlike the other posters here I'll actually try to help!
I recommend you switch to another server. You can find the link here:
http://www.battle.net/wow/They charge for playing but there are notable advantages over this one:
- Near 100% uptime.
- Get to level cap faster than it takes to download the game.
- Characters so powerful you don't need to group with anyone.
- Dungeons optimized to make communication redundant.
- End-game gear so easy to get it might as well be free.
- Content comes in 3 difficulty modes: Normal, easy and AFK.
- Around 600-700 days between patches so you can really enjoy the content.
- Graphics!
Honestly, we'd be sorry to see you go but considering those servers actually pay people to apologize to you whenever your feelings get hurt there's no way Nostalrius can compete.