July Blue Moon
Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:51 am
I have noticed that there is a significant astronomical event coming on the horizon. We have a 2nd moon in the month of July, according to Google this event occurs once ever 2.7 years.
Now from an energetic system perspective, one of eastern astrology,
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9_Star_Ki ... ous_People , this system works on the principal that energy shifts in a counting cycle, so years and months have definative energetic characters. I myself have alot of experience being conscious losely of this concept but in no way consider myself a master and continue to maintain beginners mind.
A couple of noticable events in this astrological system have and will occur. This year is known as a 3 tree year, this is symbolized by lightening and is known characteristically for action. The month of July is going to be a 9 fire month, this element feeds off of tree energy and is symbolized by expansive energy in all directions and is characterized by passion. In terms of lunar cycles, in this system a full moon is characterised as a 9 fire element for, like the fire, its fully expanded nature. This month has two of these events doubling the potency.
These two elements are both of the nature of rising energy, rising energy as I define is the mass of the power behind heightened moments, such as positions where the enemy might score in a soccer game, two undefeated boxers fight, its artificial cousin is known as hype. In this cycle summer is seen as the energy of the nine fire element being the result of the rising energy of the spring.
*Every number has a year as does every month, so every month number occurs 1.3(repeating) times every year, yet every year number has 9 years for its return. With a blue moon in the summer that makes it a stacked event of 4 times the rising energy of a normal day in our lives. The rarity of which can be calculated at 9 years x 2.7 years for the configuration of another blue moon in July, bringing mathematically the rarity to a once in a 24.3 year event.
The year in this energetic cycle begins Feb 14th. when the energy once again begins to rise. This server beginning on the 28th of February was an astute move. It's nature of marketing the server as authentic high pop, ie realize vanilla dreams, lots of energetic population covering the world, harmonized well with the 5 soil** month, February, in the 3 tree year, repetition is known as power in this system. This also occuring in the first decan of Pisces, which is known as a water sign(emotional) and characteristically the dreamer/visionary in the western astrological system harmonized with the Nostalrius vision of reliving the past vanilla dreams.
The result was a movement of energy larger than the Nostalrius dev team could have predicted, thus in my eyes a success.
The potential date or weekend of Thurs July 30- Sunday August 2nd holds the pinnacle of possibility, laying on first the 3 tree year, secondly the successful(unprecedented?) raising of a high pop vanilla server, thirdly high energy of the summer, fourthly the 9 fire month, and 5thly the July Blue Moon.
With so many rising energy type actions coming together I feel it could be used to power a massive scale event for the server. The kind of event that many of us would only dream of.
The kind of things I imagine would be like a massive scale pvp event, back on my old retail vanilla server Spirestone(PvP), there was an event hosted called the Monthly Massive Raid organized by Samuraishorty, a gnome warrior, where guilds from both sides hosted multiple raids to clash in a specific zone at a specific time. The result lite the zone on fire and for the few hours it really was a World of Warcraft, instead of World of possible Skirmishcraft.
So public, lets celebrate the date.
Any Ideas?
*Is my math correct, really once every 24.3 years?
**5 Soil is the central number in the nine star ki and thusly supports all other branches, numbers, in the zodiac. For this reason it is a good idea to plan to make major committing decisions during the time of this energy as it will require such and last for at least the next 9 cycle.
Now from an energetic system perspective, one of eastern astrology,
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9_Star_Ki ... ous_People , this system works on the principal that energy shifts in a counting cycle, so years and months have definative energetic characters. I myself have alot of experience being conscious losely of this concept but in no way consider myself a master and continue to maintain beginners mind.
A couple of noticable events in this astrological system have and will occur. This year is known as a 3 tree year, this is symbolized by lightening and is known characteristically for action. The month of July is going to be a 9 fire month, this element feeds off of tree energy and is symbolized by expansive energy in all directions and is characterized by passion. In terms of lunar cycles, in this system a full moon is characterised as a 9 fire element for, like the fire, its fully expanded nature. This month has two of these events doubling the potency.
These two elements are both of the nature of rising energy, rising energy as I define is the mass of the power behind heightened moments, such as positions where the enemy might score in a soccer game, two undefeated boxers fight, its artificial cousin is known as hype. In this cycle summer is seen as the energy of the nine fire element being the result of the rising energy of the spring.
*Every number has a year as does every month, so every month number occurs 1.3(repeating) times every year, yet every year number has 9 years for its return. With a blue moon in the summer that makes it a stacked event of 4 times the rising energy of a normal day in our lives. The rarity of which can be calculated at 9 years x 2.7 years for the configuration of another blue moon in July, bringing mathematically the rarity to a once in a 24.3 year event.
The year in this energetic cycle begins Feb 14th. when the energy once again begins to rise. This server beginning on the 28th of February was an astute move. It's nature of marketing the server as authentic high pop, ie realize vanilla dreams, lots of energetic population covering the world, harmonized well with the 5 soil** month, February, in the 3 tree year, repetition is known as power in this system. This also occuring in the first decan of Pisces, which is known as a water sign(emotional) and characteristically the dreamer/visionary in the western astrological system harmonized with the Nostalrius vision of reliving the past vanilla dreams.
The result was a movement of energy larger than the Nostalrius dev team could have predicted, thus in my eyes a success.
The potential date or weekend of Thurs July 30- Sunday August 2nd holds the pinnacle of possibility, laying on first the 3 tree year, secondly the successful(unprecedented?) raising of a high pop vanilla server, thirdly high energy of the summer, fourthly the 9 fire month, and 5thly the July Blue Moon.
With so many rising energy type actions coming together I feel it could be used to power a massive scale event for the server. The kind of event that many of us would only dream of.
The kind of things I imagine would be like a massive scale pvp event, back on my old retail vanilla server Spirestone(PvP), there was an event hosted called the Monthly Massive Raid organized by Samuraishorty, a gnome warrior, where guilds from both sides hosted multiple raids to clash in a specific zone at a specific time. The result lite the zone on fire and for the few hours it really was a World of Warcraft, instead of World of possible Skirmishcraft.
So public, lets celebrate the date.
Any Ideas?
*Is my math correct, really once every 24.3 years?
**5 Soil is the central number in the nine star ki and thusly supports all other branches, numbers, in the zodiac. For this reason it is a good idea to plan to make major committing decisions during the time of this energy as it will require such and last for at least the next 9 cycle.