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Tier 1 and 2 Item upgrades

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 1:34 pm
by Corpsedance
Hello there

First off , for some reason I couldnt post this on my own account so I made a new one.

I have a small question and wouldnt mind a developer awnsering it.
During retail vanilla , the tier 1 and 2 item sets were upgraded to be much better when PVP ranks and AB and WSG were released. They did that so tier 1 and 2 isnt inferior to PVP gear.
Right now MC and Ony loot sucks quite badly, so much in fact that Dungeon BIS loot is much better. Its getting kinda hard getting my guildies to need on tier 1. They are rightly suggesting that the items are crapsauce ( well most of em are , for some classes theyre not ).
So my question : When are the items being reworked? Will that be done when AV comes out? or at a later patch?

Thanks in advance,


Re: Tier 1 and 2 Item upgrades

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 5:01 pm
by Robotron
If they follow the patch releases, AV will bring us 1.4 and 1.5, which contain the full item updates and loot table expansions.

Re: Tier 1 and 2 Item upgrades

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:31 pm
by Undertanker
What Robotron said. It is expected with the AV patch. All these Ony kills with no cloaks being made, no head turn in, as well empty domo chest is killing me.