Kind of new, what are Huntards like?

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Kind of new, what are Huntards like?

by Justinlc91 » Sun Jul 05, 2015 1:10 am

Played Vanilla when it was new, huntards were always the bane of any group in my past experiences, usually basement dwelling socially awkward porn addict nerd-rager's, the kind of player you hate to be around. Much like I am today, so I thought I'd join the fold.

What can I expect as a huntard in 1.12? Will I be $broke$ buying arrows and food for scruffy at all times? Will I be like the town bike that was ridden one to many times and not find a dungeon group because everyone else is
a huntard?

Help me out here with as many generalization as you can muster so I can fathom the self-loathing of being a huntard.

This isn't a troll, I'd really like to know about the Hunter class. Thanks in advance.

Re: Kind of new, what are Huntards like?

by skitszo » Sun Jul 05, 2015 2:39 am

shrug..... if you want a hunter class play both a ewarlock and a hunter see which you like the most. they both have tanking pets.... each are probly as annoying to master.

Re: Kind of new, what are Huntards like?

by Zelious » Sun Jul 05, 2015 3:07 am

Your lack of vanilla experience is painfully showing

Huntards weren't this real life insult to your social class.

Hunters were generally the most common class since legolas was so popular back then. Hunters could charm pets, just about any beast in the game. This is very attractive to many players and thus another reason hunters became so commonly played. With that being said, it quickly became the go to noob class since it seemed everyone and their mothers had a hunter, with that logic you can assume that most terrible players ended up playing hunter just by the basic rule of probability.

Hunters had the ability to do lots of things wrong. They could run all the way to scarlet monastery and forget their ammo for their ranged weapon, if it wasn't that, they forgot food to feed Fido. Hunters also were the class that could make the most use out of the most gear- my point being they could roll need the most out of any class since so many different things were potentially useful to them depending on spec. This caused much anguish to everyone else because losing a roll to a hunter was so routine.

Once you're in a dungeon or around mobs, hunters also had a high chance of screwing things up. Their pets were famous for pulling things off the tank due to the hunters not turning off pet taunt. In addition, the hunter pet would easily agro many undesired mobs if not the whole entire instance due to poor pathing or lack of awareness due to hunter. Lastly, they're ranged and could easily push the groups speed by pulling nonstop and thinking they had a safety net due to their tanky pets which could easily lead to a wipe.

I may be forgetting some other things, but this is the basis of why hunters were also known as huntards,
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Re: Kind of new, what are Huntards like?

by Antipatra » Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:00 am

Zelious wrote:Hunters also were the class that could make the most use out of the most gear- my point being they could roll need the most out of any class since so many different things were potentially useful to them depending on spec.

Paladins are worse.

Re: Kind of new, what are Huntards like?

by Bioness » Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:17 am

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Re: Kind of new, what are Huntards like?

by IAMSADWARVENS » Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:27 am

Huntards are amazing, for sure the easiest class to level 1-60.
They cost a lot though, buying food for your pet.
Iamsahunter: Level 60 Orc Hunter
Iamsawarlock: Level 31 Undead Warcock
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Re: Kind of new, what are Huntards like?

by stimz » Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:09 am

IAMSADWARVENS wrote:Huntards are amazing, for sure the easiest class to level 1-60.
They cost a lot though, buying food for your pet.

Also one of the harder classes to play well. Much less forgiving to play than a frost mage or warlock, but very rewarding if you're good at it.
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Re: Kind of new, what are Huntards like?

by DeeMarie » Sun Jul 05, 2015 9:09 am

Zelious wrote:Hunters could charm pets, just about any beast in the game. This is very attractive to many players and thus another reason hunters became so commonly played.

Blizzard lied to me. I wanted a rabbit pet so bad I rolled hunter, ended up with a chicken from darkshore...

OP, hunters can be very fun to play. You can solo elites, even dire maul tribute. If you play NE, with meld you can do lots more. You won't have trouble with groups unless you don't know how to control your pet, although pathing is mostly good here.

The gold you spend on food will be gold you save on FD when everyone else around you is screaming and dying. You can also farm more efficiently for gold than most other classes.

DPS, you can top meters if you're a maxer. One of ours is consistently top damage in raids and not just because he cleverly pulls aggro to wipe out the melee competition :p

Just bear in mind 1-10 is awful but if you stick with it, 10-60 is a breeze.
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Re: Kind of new, what are Huntards like?

by riq and snog » Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:38 am

Hunter is fine, learn cooking if u wont spend money on food for fridolin.
Ammo... well have a mining alt or do mining yourself and find an engineer.
As mentioned before great solo class, and can also be great at support. Traps ninjapulls with fd, pet to take aggro from healer etcetc.
Dont be a huntard
Ask before you roll, dont multishot cc targets, keep your pet passive, let tank pull , dont autoshot afk in raids.
You will have a blast with this unique class:-)
riq and snog
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Re: Kind of new, what are Huntards like?

by Xylon666Darkstar » Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:03 am

Hunters can solo certain high lvl dungeons for $$$.
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