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Nostalrius cool stories

PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 12:02 pm
by Sham
Have any to share? Now you have a right place.

Just had funny thing happened to me. I went to Winterspring on my 42 lock to see if I can farm few Rich Thorium veins since every Arcane Crystal is like 15g and its a fortune for me. I farmed them alot in vanilla and still after 10 years remember every single spot.
Went to zone with frost giants and spotted one but couldnt dig it without aggroing giants. Took off clothes and it took me 4 deaths to fully dig my first one. I also spirit rez'ed in the end to avoid another run.
WIth rez sickness I go to Lake Kel'Theril and see a 60 rogue named Disappeare fighting with ghost in front of Rich node. Another ghost aggroed on me and put CoA, so Im pretty much dead. With nothing to loose I rush to node and start digging exact same time as that rogue does. BOOM! Arcane Crystal first try. Rogue didnt appreciate the boldness of 42 level gnome stealing from his node and killed me. But it didnt matter. I got a crystal and was more then happy with the result.

Re: Nostalrius cool stories

PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 12:36 pm
by stump02
Moral of the story is........

You die a lot in Vanilla lol