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Mining vs Herbalism

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 9:23 pm
by xwraith
Just wondering if I should take mining or herbalism as my second profession. If it wasn't for engineering I'd take both and rake in money, but I gotta choose one. Which of these would you guys say gives the highest gold/hour?

Another thing I was considering is that being a rogue I could stealth into brd and mine dark iron, reset the instance and repeat for money. Read about the strategy in this guide: ... ning_guide

Re: Mining vs Herbalism

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 7:30 am
by Xylon666Darkstar
Dark Iron will have continuing increased value throughout Vanilla's lifetime. As will Arcanite/Arcane Crystals.

On the same note the, value of flasks/herbs will continue to increase in value as the population matures with 60's + More Raids + More patches releasing more raids. Problem is though, Nost's herb node's generally SUCK in placement towards higher lvl zones compared to what they were in retail. If you have the right class, there are mobs you can farm more reliably for herbs in DM, anyway.

If you're a brave/geared/patient rogue, can also mine Molten Core for Dark Iron.

Re: Mining vs Herbalism

PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 2:28 am
by xwraith
Thanks I think you've convinced me to go mining. Herbalism sounds bad atm with the bottleneck in spawns, mining sounds like I could use it more to my advantage.