If it could benefit the server. Donation question.

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If it could benefit the server. Donation question.

by Neuf » Sat Jul 11, 2015 11:44 pm

Exactly what the title asks. Now I know they don't ask for money, which is honorable. BUT, clearly there would be a few people that would, could, and be willing to donate if it could help with server stability. Would the DEVS be willing to look into some additional hardware and costs of such hardware to improve what we all love. I mean hell run a gofundme lol. But on a serious note, is that something that could be done? Not a sub, not a common donation request but hell if they wanted to and set a date for a certain time in the future that they are willing to accept donations between so and so date would that be enough to keep what we all love?

Re: If it could benefit the server. Donation question.

by Arucado » Sat Jul 11, 2015 11:46 pm

I was told that Nostalrius has the best Hardware available in the market by the moment... I don't know if that is true...
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Stone Guard

Re: If it could benefit the server. Donation question.

by Neuf » Sat Jul 11, 2015 11:50 pm

I wonder if thats true. I truly don't know what it costs or the hardware required for such a server. That is really beyond my knowledge. But if they had a goal for $$$ would it work if they asked for HELP to reach that goal. At 5000 bucks thats a dollar or less from everyone, not saying they all would but you know what I mean.

Re: If it could benefit the server. Donation question.

by Aunstic » Sun Jul 12, 2015 12:28 am

You can still donate and help. They put this up back in March, but I'm sure they're still using it.
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