Okey guys.. I am just getting so tired of people..
There are SO many times when you see an LFG in world or general, like "LFM <instance> need tank/dps"
You politely whisper this person saying like "Hello, I am dps and would love to come".
From here (not every time, but very often) it can take 5 minutes to get a single reply, or sometimes not even hear ANYTHING back.
So now to my question: HOW hard is it to REPLY.. OR put out a message saying "full" or "hold on a sec"? I know you might have other people whispering you, but it shouldn't take freaking 5 minutes to reply!? Its not like the whole freaking server are upon your shoulders! Have some politeness!
Is it just me getting old and grumpy and should calm my tits? or are people just not polite anymore? This have happened too many times now to just be "oh I didnt see your message".
All I ask of you, people of Nostalrius, be fucking polite and at least reply and be polite!