Tazewell wrote:Devs,
How is it that scamming is perfectly legal on this server? Quite frankly, I'm getting sick and tired of low-life scumbags scamming people on this server, and not getting a ban. Its complete and utter bullshit.
Before you start blaming me (the victim) for not checking and doing my part in the matter -- there is NOTHING I can do about a person purchasing an item, and then quickly hitting delete on the gold box to delete all the gold and hit "trade" while I'm waiting for the trade.
DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, Scamming is scamming, and its fucking bullshit!
Greetings Tazewell,
How to sell an item and make sure you don't get scammed, a guide for lobotomized mouth breathing morons:
Step 1: Put the item in the trade section
Step 2: Wait till the buyer clicks "accept trade" with the correct amount of gold in the appropriate area. The trade area becomes green at this time. I am linking an image of the color green for you to compare.
Step 3: Click accept when you see the color green around the trade window and have verified the correct gold amount.
Step 4: Bask in the warmth of knowing you are capable of doing basic tasks without getting fucked up.
If that fails, explain to the buyer what an anemic, limp wristed mook you are and tell him you will CoD the item to him. Be sure to click the CoD icon in this case, as you may accidentally send him money instead of requiring him to send you money.
Kindest Regards,
Demonist Nervous
a level 60 complaining about a level 27 scamming him? lawdy lawd