Airionz wrote:Aunstic wrote:There's 2 kinds of tickets. Bugs and actual tickets. Whether you use the stuck ticket or any other ticket that actually submits a ticket, they are not categorized when a GM reads the ticket. It just shows the ticket ID, player, timestamp of the ticket, and what you wrote inside the ticket.
Source: mangos/ascent knowledge.
I used mangos too, but it could be different with a custom gm script.
"Custom GM script" ... uh...
Why would anyone want to categorize it? Reading the ticket is more effective than reading the category it was placed in. Also, GMs have given the wrong category for the tickets which further proves that they are not categorized. ... 54#p104454Tyrael wrote:Greetings bubblegum88,
I'm glad we were able to connect in-game. In the future, please create an in-game harassment or stuck ticket for faster service.
GM Tyrael ... 611#p89611Pottu wrote:Not allowed. Make a ticket in-game with the "Stuck" -> "Still stuck, page a GM" and put the link to the screenshot in the image with the name of the character that you saw doing this. ... 608#p80608Pottu wrote:Use the red question mark to go to reporting menu, select "Stuck" and then "Still stuck, contact a GM". Report the player name and put the link to the screenshot in the ticket as well. That makes the process quicker.
I won't link all of the posts, but just search for green names/staff members in: ... t&start=50