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Decided on UD Priest...

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 1:23 pm
by TheRatKing
Did I make the right choice? Only class I really haven't played with been playing on and off since vanilla release. Shadow is good for pvp and UD get two more beneficial shadow Priest racials. I heard factions ratios are near equal so being horde isn't a bug problem I guess. Would be forced todwarf on ally. Reason I am asking is because of how long it takes to reach 60. Big investment I guess, well I am not super fast at leveling anyways especially on a priest in vanilla. Which class overpopulated now? Traditional UD rogue/mage and NE hunts/human wars? Thanks for your help!

Re: Decided on UD Priest...

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 1:45 pm
by Bradley
go ahead...its fun at least it was for me, and stay horde because imho ally/horde ratio is messed up since everybody can play char in every of the two factions plus my experience so far is that on lvl 30-50 zone there is just more horde.

Re: Decided on UD Priest...

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 4:06 pm
by Bioness
We have a thread in this forum showing what the population and class/race distrubtion is.

Re: Decided on UD Priest...

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 5:09 pm
by varth
Undead is unquestionably the best horde race if you want to pvp at all. Will of the forsaken is the best pvp racial in the game and somewhat useful in pve, and devouring plague is by far the strongest pvp priest racial spell. It's a shadow word pain + a renew on yourself wrapped up in one instant cast spell effectively