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Frankly all you banned people can shut the F*#k up
Sun Jul 19, 2015 2:00 am
by crime
For months now a small faction of people have been taking advantage of the way vanilla bg's work to farm R14 items, and in the process it has destroyed the pvp community.
You'll need to understand that your behavior is antisocial, and against the best interest of the server. Just because it is possible to do it doesnt mean that you should.
The fact that Nost stepped in and banned you all for doing it is infact GOOD for the server in general, and outside of the 30-40 highly active forums posters that are going to flame HARD the other 8,960 members of the community are quietly applauding.
All of you destroying the PvP community need to realize the rest of the community would love to see the back of you, so when you flame the server it only makes us hopeful that you'll leave.
Ban them all, ban them long and trust in the fact it will only make the server stronger.
Re: Frankly all you banned people can shut the F*#k up
Sun Jul 19, 2015 2:03 am
by Badtank
Banning top players kill the server, stop being an idiot. Lmao Jesus Christ, this is your first private server right? It shows.
Re: Frankly all you banned people can shut the F*#k up
Sun Jul 19, 2015 2:08 am
by crime
Badtank wrote:Banning top players kill the server
Wrong wrong wrong - sorry but history says you're 100% wrong.
Every time feenix banned the top guild it lead to an increase in server population.The loss of 40 really good players always leads to more people coming in thinking they can take there place.
Its a hard pill to swallow for these guys because they take this so seriously and derive so much of there self worth from there characters but the top guilds have absolutely no positive impact on the overall servers health. When the behave the way they are on Nost it infact retards the overall growth of the server.
Re: Frankly all you banned people can shut the F*#k up
Sun Jul 19, 2015 2:10 am
by Badtank
Feenix ban's killed the server, lmao. Revisionist history much?
Re: Frankly all you banned people can shut the F*#k up
Sun Jul 19, 2015 2:15 am
by crime
no Nost killed feenix, you clearly dont know the history of Feenix. When the server started they would regularly ban the top guild (mainly because they were under so much pressure to release content they did it to buy themselves time).
Each time they did it the overall population continued to grow. You can't honestly have such an inflated opinion of yourselves that you think the top 80 players (40 per faction) are even known to the 8,000 people who are leveling and don't even know who you are.
If you don't know what your talking about i suggest you stop talking.
Re: Frankly all you banned people can shut the F*#k up
Sun Jul 19, 2015 2:24 am
by milkribs4k
Badtank wrote:Banning top players kill the server, stop being an idiot. Lmao Jesus Christ, this is your first private server right? It shows.
I am sure the average player on this server actually enjoys having to queue for several hours to find an actually winnable battleground in which actual gameplay can take place.
Re: Frankly all you banned people can shut the F*#k up
Sun Jul 19, 2015 2:25 am
by vathdaar
and here we have another ultimate troll / retarded, these guys start growing like cancer already.
Re: Frankly all you banned people can shut the F*#k up
Sun Jul 19, 2015 2:27 am
by crime
lol vathdaar - you kids think all you need to do is insult people and you 'win' the argument.
The 'top' guilds are a huge cancer not only in the way they play the game but also in the way they treat the rest of the community.
Come back when your successful in life and read how you act in these forums - and be ashamed of yourself.
Re: Frankly all you banned people can shut the F*#k up
Sun Jul 19, 2015 2:45 am
by vathdaar
Listen little panda kid, i am succesful in life and it pretty much reflects how i can socialize with people in a mmorpg which is designed for that, and therefore make a group of diligent people to workout our objectives. On the other hand we have you QQing on the forum 24/7 being jelly for otherĀ“s accomplishments because you cant even add up 2 and 2 and get your shyt done.
Stop qqing and maybe spend less time on forum and more trying to improve in game, peace.
Re: Frankly all you banned people can shut the F*#k up
Sun Jul 19, 2015 2:57 am
by crime
Lol - yet again, resorting to insults doesnt mean you win the argument.
If you really were successful in life you'd know that.
But nice chatting with you - and yes, i have pointed out and made suggestions about how to improve the woeful PvP experience.
For the record im not envious of your accomplishments because ranking on this server is no achievment. Being R14 on this server is not an accomplishment i'd be proud of. Being able to farm empty bg's without actually ever fighting a real opponent is no achievment. So sorry, im not jelly at all.