Horde abusing vandar aggro...
Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:01 pm
psychofast wrote:Do you know how the horde is doing that? You pull Vanadar.
Thats it.
psychofast wrote:Whats also not right is that all the alliance mages are abusing LOS blizzard bug on the bridge.
Not to mention all the roof abusing in AB, did anyone get banned for that? No. Bans were handed out for other reasons, not because something wasnt properly scripted.
Crooked Creek wrote:i dont see the way for admins to make certain which players in particular are abusing. the only thing they can do is close AV and redo the scripting which will most likely not happen. Right now we should just admit that horde outnumbers us. has better racials, uses bugs to win etc etc etc.
We, Alliance, deserve fucking medals for playing with these people.
Astixium wrote:[
Give that guy a medal and a new helmet, I think he pooped on his previous one while thinking.
Nice meme anyway.