by Proctologist » Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:41 pm
rofl I'm one of the first AV exalted players and not one single time did this happen
You most likely saw this happen one time and now you're here crying because your team and yourself got utterly frimponged.
The way we win is that someone like myself is spamming chat RUSH SOUTH, GET RH HUT THEN EAST + WEST TOWER, KILL IB + TP TOWER WARMASTERS, some randoms cap FW gy to prevent any hordies respawning nearby, all good.
But most usually people wanna hug FW gy until it's capped and the hordes are just respawning in front of us making the FW assault hard as fuck if you're in a pug game.
It's like witnessing people try to kill a druid FC in WSG that's in bear form, people are just zerging from the front so hir can feral charge the fk outta there and clutch like a slug.
Anyway, potatoes.
Let's get one thing straight... I'm not.
Hunter + Priest PvE/PvP PoV.