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Questing at 27

PostPosted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 4:35 am
by gotmilk0112
Just finished up Duskwood quests (except the Stalvan quest line because the Goldshire part of it is bugged and uncompletable), also pretty much done with Wetlands quests, and about 30% into 27. Where should I go from here?

A lot of people said Hillsbrad, but...the two quests I got in southshore were level 33 and 38. Another person suggested that I should grind "whelps" in wetlands until 30 and then go STV. Not too fond of grinding for levels, especially on a slow-killing character like a Priest.

Should I try Ashenvale, or is it a little too low for a high-20s character?

Re: Questing at 27

PostPosted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 4:57 am
by The Shortest Path
Ashenvale, or just run dungeons. Stockades and BFD would be fine for you.

Re: Questing at 27

PostPosted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:09 pm
by gotmilk0112
The Shortest Path wrote:Ashenvale, or just run dungeons. Stockades and BFD would be fine for you.

In my experience, dungeons don't give much exp. The first time I ran stocks (for the quests), I only got about 10% exp from clearing the entire thing, which took ~45 minutes.

I'll probably do BFD once or twice for some loot, but Stocks is boring as hell.

Re: Questing at 27

PostPosted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:42 pm
by traitrus
stockades is useless when u have done all the quests

dont rush, its vanilla, you have to grind mobs while doin' quests

and yeah ashenvale seems to be the place for you, you can also try the "vanilla guide" addon, very useful when u dont know well the game