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cross faction accounts

PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 11:12 am
by Holmes
some time ago ive read that its forbidden to have an alt for checking if a specific player of the opposite faction is online or not.
so i wonder if its OK to play characters of each faction (not at the same time).

and regarding the first case, how do you want to enforce ppl to not use their normal char on the opposite faction to not check the online statuses of enemies? probably not possible, so if its allowed to level chars on each side, enforcing ppl to not use those alts to check an enemys online status is not remotely imaginable.

i guess it wouldve been the best if it simply was not possible to have chars of each faction onto 1 account since release, just like it was on retail. and everyones just allowed to have 1 account. (too late for that now :roll:)

or is it forbidden to play chars on each faction :?:

Re: cross faction accounts

PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 2:59 pm
by gotmilk0112
Multiboxing is okay as long as the two characters you are playing are not interacting with each other at all.

Something to that effect.

Re: cross faction accounts

PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 3:03 pm
by Lompcent
Holmes wrote:some time ago ive read that its forbidden to have an alt for checking if a specific player of the opposite faction is online or not.
so i wonder if its OK to play characters of each faction (not at the same time).

and regarding the first case, how do you want to enforce ppl to not use their normal char on the opposite faction to not check the online statuses of enemies? probably not possible, so if its allowed to level chars on each side, enforcing ppl to not use those alts to check an enemys online status is not remotely imaginable.

i guess it wouldve been the best if it simply was not possible to have chars of each faction onto 1 account since release, just like it was on retail. and everyones just allowed to have 1 account. (too late for that now :roll:)

or is it forbidden to play chars on each faction :?:

its not forbidden to play both factions, people would just make other accs if they wanted the other side. and its a single free server, so stopping people from playing both sides wouldnt be useful. You can have both sides even check where some players are trough the /who list . but from what i heard its not allowed to multibox, like letting your llv 60 ally walk with your lvl 12 horde and kill everyone you see. or things like boosting yourself. but enjoying both sides is allowed

Re: cross faction accounts

PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 3:05 pm
by Lompcent
i got a lvl 6 orc shaman to see the chat after i dropped an infernal somewhere in durotar. havent done that in ages tho, maybe i should go there :O