Grace period after pvp activity

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Grace period after pvp activity

by gotmilk0112 » Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:36 pm

It seems that if you log out shortly after being engaged in PvP combat, you'll be dead when you log back in, even if you were out of combat when you logged out.

Had some ass 7-8 levels higher than me attempt a gank, feared him and managed to get away and run to the closest town and log out (not alt-f4, but using Exit Game), and even though I had been out of combat for at least 30 seconds, I was still dead upon login.

Is this intended or some kind of bug?
knotic wrote:wait this is 2015. blizzard didnt do this in 2015. year is non-blizzlike omg omg
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Grace period after pvp activity

by gotmilk0112 » Sat Jul 25, 2015 5:51 pm

...Ooookay even when I didn't engage in PvP combat and log out, I still log back in dead.

knotic wrote:wait this is 2015. blizzard didnt do this in 2015. year is non-blizzlike omg omg
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Grace period after pvp activity

by Aunstic » Sat Jul 25, 2015 5:53 pm

If you're not in a city and you logout or exit the game, I'm pretty sure your body still remains in game for about 20+ seconds. This gives anyone enough time to kill you... including NPCs.

Try logging out in a city and see if you appear dead. It might be a bug.
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Re: Grace period after pvp activity

by Norjak » Sat Jul 25, 2015 6:03 pm

gotmilk0112 wrote:even though I had been out of combat for at least 30 seconds, I was still dead upon login.

If you quit the game your body is still in the world for 20-30 seconds, so if you are flagged PvP then someone could easily gank you during this time.
In other words, make sure you logout in a safe place.
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Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Grace period after pvp activity

by Robotron » Sat Jul 25, 2015 7:40 pm

This has been a thing since 2004. If you log out/disconnect from the game for any reason whatsoever, it triggers a 20 second timer (the some one that occurs when you hit log out/exit game in the escape menu). If you hard close the client without waiting for the 20 second timer, the timer is still ticking, and your character will remain in game for those 20 seconds. The only way to avoid this timer is to be in an area where you are flagged "resting" (capital cities or inns).
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