by fubudis » Mon Jul 27, 2015 5:50 pm
Most people hit 60 in around 6-9 days played if they have a fairly steady pace, do professions, etc.
(fastest time is around 4 days 20 hours)
The half way point is around level 45.
Joana, one of the fastest levelers in Vanilla, broke down levels by time for us during his fastest speed run.
LVL - Time - Time to do LVL
10 = 0:02:32
12 = 0:03:50
13.9 = 0:05:13 <->0:55
15.9 = 0:06:34 <->0:42
16.9 = 0:07:34 <->1:00
17.9 = 0:08:17 <->0:43
18.9 = 0:09:12 <->0:55
19.9 = 0:10:09 <->0:56
20.9 = 0:11:21 <->1:11
21.9 = 0:12:49 <->1:28
22.9 = 0:14:10 <->1:20
23.9 = 0:15:20 <->1:10
24.9 = 0:16:41 <->1:22
25.9 = 0:17:55 <->1:13
26.9 = 0:19:15 <->1:20
27.9 = 0:20:55 <->1:40
28.9 = 0:22:39 <->1:44
29.9 = 1:00:20 <->1:41
30.9 = 1:02:12 <->1:53
31.9 = 1:04:12 <->2:00
32.9 = 1:06:07 <->1:54
33.9 = 1:08:13 <->2:06
34.9 = 1:10:21 <->2:08
35.9 = 1:12:02 <->1:41
36.9 = 1:14:39 <->2:37
37.9 = 1:16:55 <->2:16
38.9 = 1:19:27 <->2:32
39.9 = 1:22:04 <->2:36
40.9 = 2:01:06 <->2:02
41.9 = 2:04:23 <->3:16
42.9 = 2:07:22 <->2:59
43.9 = 2:10:25 <->3:04
44.9 = 2:12:50 <->2:24
45.9 = 2:15:30 <->2:40
46.9 = 2:19:17 <->3:49
47.9 = 2:22:11 <->2:54
48.9 = 3:01:17 <->3:07
49.9 = 3:04:26 <->3:09
50.9 = 3:07:27 <->3:00
51.9 = 3:11:28 <->4:01
52.9 = 3:14:07 <->2:38
53.9 = 3:17:45 <->3:38
54.9 = 3:22:20 <->4:34
55.9 = 4:02:06 <->3:46
56.9 = 4:05:38 <->2:32
57.9 = 4:09:36 <->3:57
58.9 = 4:15:09 <->5:33
59.9 = 4:20:49 <->5:39