Mobs flickering when fights begin

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Mobs flickering when fights begin

by djriot » Mon Jul 27, 2015 3:19 pm

Hey all :) Been playing for about a week now. Really enjoying myself.

I want to talk about a problem I have been having fairly regularly that has been causing me some grief. Mobs are sometimes flickering out of existence right after I start a fight. This causes me to have to reacquire the target.

This is very frustrating. The thing is, I've noticed since I started playing that I don't seem to be able to see mobs out very far. I went to the Green Belt in the Wetlands which I have always loved hanging in (easily my favorite zone) and I can only see mobs over the next mound. Now I read some topics on this, and I am wondering if this is somehow related to draw distance.

At any rate, I just want to note that at level 20 now it is disappointing to find a server which seems to do a very good job at being Blizzlike to throw a massive cog in the wheel like this. I hope this can be addressed so I may enjoy the full game experience.

Thanks :)
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Re: Mobs flickering when fights begin

by chunass » Tue Jul 28, 2015 7:35 am

I'm not sure what the flickering mob thing is, but the draw distance is lag related. Since there's such a huge population, the server lowers the draw distance for everyone to prevent lag.
Chunass - 60 Night Elf Hunter
Chew - 60 Human Warrior
<Molten Core Swimteam>
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Re: Mobs flickering when fights begin

by Holmes » Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:56 am

maybe by flickering he means teleporting around (real quick)?
this happened more often in ubrs aswell the last days
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