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Biznicks Accurascope
Sun Aug 02, 2015 6:11 pm
by The Shortest Path
Is the pattern for this on the MC loot table, and does it apply to melee attacks like it did on retail up until 1.11 or whenever it was changed?
Re: Biznicks Accurascope
Mon Aug 03, 2015 8:26 am
by Cornholi
It was never suppose to give 3% hit to melee, that's why Blizzard took it off the loot table in patch 1.4 or 1.5 and reintroduced it in patch 1.10, fixed. Now, whether that means it's already in the game or it will be added in patch 1.10 is anyone's guess.
Re: Biznicks Accurascope
Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:14 pm
by The Shortest Path
Yeah, but anyone who still had the pattern before it was removed could continue to make and sell them, so some servers who got lucky with half a dozen crafters obtaining the pattern had them as a staple for the entirety of progression until it got nerfed.
It would be a great thing to have until then, since this is supposedly a Blizzlike server.
Re: Biznicks Accurascope
Sun Aug 09, 2015 2:19 pm
by Redblade
Don't see a reason to introduce it, 3% melee hit for nothing, just because it was accidentally there in Vanilla, does not add to the vanilla experience. There's a lot of bugs from vanilla I don't want to see in this, just because its "Blizzlike", cant pick and choose which ones you get.
Re: Biznicks Accurascope
Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:39 pm
by notgunnahappen
If you look past at Nostalrius' track record, you can see they are not a fan of old retail vanilla unintended advantageous mechanics. IE. BRD stealth coffer runs, multi Q AV, power leveling yourself with higher toons
Good chance this won't give 3% melee hit or will be fixed soon after it drops.
Re: Biznicks Accurascope
Sun Aug 09, 2015 4:16 pm
by rexas
Re: Biznicks Accurascope
Mon Aug 10, 2015 12:15 am
by Xylon666Darkstar
Yay good fix.
Re: Biznicks Accurascope
Mon Aug 10, 2015 12:45 pm
by The Shortest Path
Redblade wrote:Don't see a reason to introduce it, 3% melee hit for nothing, just because it was accidentally there in Vanilla, does not add to the vanilla experience. There's a lot of bugs from vanilla I don't want to see in this, just because its "Blizzlike", cant pick and choose which ones you get.
It does, actually, add to the vanilla experience because it was part of the vanilla experience. That's what the vanilla experience is. Bugs and all.