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Quick way to get into Moonglade for the first time

PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:40 pm
by gotmilk0112
If you don't have the Moonglade FP yet (or aren't a Druid), here's a quick way to get to Moonglade without having to run through Felwood and the furbolg tunnel:

1. Go to Darkshore and go as far north-east as you can, until you reach the water.

2. Start swimming out into the ocean, but stay to the right, along the edge of the land. You'll get Fatigue at times, but just keep going, there are points where you can go up near the edge of land and your fatigue will go away. I never got more than 50% fatigue when I did this.

3. You should eventually zone into Moonglade:

4. From here, just go into the water and drown yourself. You might have to swim further northeast along the coast to get to a point where you can actually drown. When I tried to drown right after hitting Moonglade, I had infinite breath underwater for some reason.

After dying, you'll be in the Moonglade graveyard, where you can spirit rez. Sure, you've got 10 minutes of rez sickness and a little repair bill, but overall this method is easier than running up through Felwood and the tunnel.