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+Attack speed (haste) scaling, problems/question.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:01 am
by TheRatKing
Hello to all this may concern, recently I have acquired all three haste chants on my level 10 hunter. Expecting to shoot faster than a two week backup. To my surprise though my initial attack speed was 2.00 as shown on my gun. With the ammo pouch added in it drops some as well. Though with the pouch, head,legs, and gloves haste chant my final speed is 1.76? What in the hell? Wasn't scaling at low levels incredibly higher? Same for dodge I am at a measily 10%? Do the increased benefits to stats not apply to lower levels here? I saw a few posts on wowhead from like 2.2 patch saying the 1% haste chant on head or legs gave a level 1 char 26% haste. And to the best of my knowledge the boost diminishes from 11 onwards. My chants give no where near those stats. Has anyone else ever noticed the bugs? Or am I just a crackpot, looking for another nert for confirmation.

Tl:Dr. Haste/dodge/crit "noob" scaling isn't working as intended. Not gaining the proper ratios with the level factored in.

Re: +Attack speed (haste) scaling, problems/question.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:27 am
by Tokoloshe
god that signature

Re: +Attack speed (haste) scaling, problems/question.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:43 am
by Youfie
When fixed-percentage stats were converted to ratings (2.0), items that gave +1% Dodge were converted into +X dodge rating, where X was the dodge rating required to get 1% Dodge at level 60.

This caused low level character to benefit a LOT from +dodge items like the librams you're talking about, since this +dodge rating meant a lot more than +1% to Dodge for them.

However, pre-TBC, this stats is still a static +1% attack speed, that applies to all players, regardless of they level.

I guess your ammo pouch is +10%, which mean you have a total of 13,33% attack speed (1.1*1.01*1.01.1*01), causing your 2.00 weapon to it every 2 / 1.1333 = 1.76 seconds.

Everything's fine.

Re: +Attack speed (haste) scaling, problems/question.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:44 am
by fubudis
Secondary stats weren't changed to ratings until Burning Crusade.
(14 = 1% in BC at 70 I believe)

At the moment the haste, crit, and hit are applied with percentages, so if the item says you get 1% crit, you only get 1% no matter what your level.

Re: +Attack speed (haste) scaling, problems/question.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 1:12 am
by gotmilk0112
Yeah, you couldn't abuse things like that for low level twinking in vanilla, because everything is percentage based.

Re: +Attack speed (haste) scaling, problems/question.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 1:58 am
by TheRatKing
Ahhh alright ty for the detailed responses. So basically, if they ever open the BC realm. Along with the char copies they proposed. I would be a machine gun? Would be cool to play on both servers. Thanks again, it won't deter me now.

Re: +Attack speed (haste) scaling, problems/question.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 2:26 pm
by LYQ
Tokoloshe wrote:god that signature

dat slowmo...