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Most needed class?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 1:15 am
by Frosty08
What classes/roles does nostalrius have a shortage of at 60? I ask because I just DL'd and don't really mind what I play.

Ps sorry if I posted this in the wrong forum :o

Re: Most needed class?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 6:41 am
by DrearyYew
Alliance really need Druids and Locks

Not sure about Horde, but I would imagine they are short on Druids as well. Nobody wants to play the class that is subpar at everything other than Innervating Priests.

Re: Most needed class?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 6:44 am
by Bioness

Please read the stickies and use the search function before making a thread.