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Azeroth Round Up

PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 11:04 am
by Zelious
It's that time again. Inquiring minds would like to hear about your journey, adventures, and current quests your main has going on in Azeroth. T'was I, a level 24 warrior and my amigos; a 22 Druid, 21 hunter, and 20 rogue.

Last night we ran Deadmines again for our lowest level warlock friend, he managed to get the Emberstone staff. Afterwards I forged our rogue friend a fancy pearl handled dagger.

After pwning Deadmines we set our phazers to Redridge. Without the lvl 18 lowbie warlock. We had planned to group up and slay some elite orcs, storm their fortress, and then take care of a pesky gnoll problem. We had underestimated the orcs. It wasn't easy but we completed all our quests.

Before catching some ZzZzz's we made the trek from menethil to southshore. Sometime today we plan to take out sfk.


So where are you guys? What level are you? What's on the agenda?

Re: Azeroth Round Up

PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 8:14 am
by Ohr
Move to RP?