im currently working on a leveling guide. its in a very raw and early state, yet i would appreciate it a lot if it would be tested by others than me.
since there are no visuals yet, i recommend to use it with the addon shaguquest (or questie, or a database) and an addon that displays map coordinates (like cartographer) to find the neccessary locations quicker.
human level 1~12
dwarf/gnome level 1~12
night elf level 1~12
- please follow it step by step
- actions greyed out can or should be skipped, see its note
- class and profession quests are not being considered
- to size the guide up/down hold ctrl and use your mouse wheel
so if you're leveling a new char up from 1 anyway, feel free to use it. i'd like to have the following feedback:
- your race
- your class
- skipped A#IDs and why?
- did you get stuck somewhere (what A#ID) any if so, why?
- on which action-IDs (A#ID) did you level up to which level
- what A#IDs did you encounter to be too difficult/easy/inefficient/...?
please post this feedback either here or send me a PM
improvements and expansions for higher levels will be added in the upcoming days and weeks