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Dire Maul is packed with Chinese Gold Farm Hunters...

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 9:40 am
by thejimmi
Nuff Said... but these Bi......

Re: Dire Maul is packed with Chinese Gold Farm Hunters...

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 2:49 pm
by gotmilk0112
Judging by your unintelligible post, I think you're a chinese "gold farm hunter" as well.

Re: Dire Maul is packed with Chinese Gold Farm Hunters...

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 2:55 pm
by poodii
What does the nationality of the farmer have to do with anything? It's a nice way for any hunter to gain gold

Re: Dire Maul is packed with Chinese Gold Farm Hunters...

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 8:41 pm
by Aunstic
Well, not quite.

Re: Dire Maul is packed with Chinese Gold Farm Hunters...

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 11:39 pm
by lvkuang
thejimmi wrote:Nuff Said... but these Bi......

you stupid fuck, does DM check hunter's passport and only allows chinese to farm?
DM is where hunters and mages make their gold, it has NOTHING to do with nationality. the only reason you are not doing it is because you are too stupid to

Re: Dire Maul is packed with Chinese Gold Farm Hunters...

PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 12:24 am
by Holmes
well you actually make 50-60g per hour by doing tribute runs over and over
but it takes quite some time to get to DM (for ally)
and if you die, you're wasting a lot of time
so you got to subtract somewhat and effectivly earn ~40g/h

but when i had mining + herbalism i made ~80g/h

and (frost) mages can aoe farm every sht and so can easily farm gold pretty much everywhere. even more due to the bugged LoS'ing of blizzard etc :ugeek:

so tribute runs are kinda good, but not "the best". even if you're chinese.

however, once you got your epic mount etc theres not much need of gold anymore anyway except if you're throwing flasks right

back then ppl wiped a lot in raids and so had much more expenses.
here you leave MC with like 10-15g plus?

so what do you actually spend your gold on if youre playing for months and make atleast 50g per day?
stop being jelly :roll:

Re: Dire Maul is packed with Chinese Gold Farm Hunters...

PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 4:06 am
by Aunstic
Holmes wrote:and (frost) mages can aoe farm every sht and so can easily farm gold pretty much everywhere. even more due to the bugged LoS'ing of blizzard etc :ugeek:

Shut the hell up. There's no way we're even doing shit with "hurr durr bugged Blizz" the whole fucking courtyard is open game with open environment. There's a spot where the whip lashers get stuck on too through the back door of DM E. That's just a fucked pathing bug which can aggro pats annoyingly.

Re: Dire Maul is packed with Chinese Gold Farm Hunters...

PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 7:08 am
by Holmes
Aunstic wrote:
Holmes wrote:and (frost) mages can aoe farm every sht and so can easily farm gold pretty much everywhere. even more due to the bugged LoS'ing of blizzard etc :ugeek:

Shut the hell up. There's no way we're even doing shit with "hurr durr bugged Blizz" the whole fucking courtyard is open game with open environment. There's a spot where the whip lashers get stuck on too through the back door of DM E. That's just a fucked pathing bug which can aggro pats annoyingly.

Dear Aunstic,

this line did not even refer to DM and rather was a general note

Holmes wrote:pretty much everywhere

no need to feel butthurt
if i was a chinese gold farmer i'd pick a mage

Re: Dire Maul is packed with Chinese Gold Farm Hunters...

PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 7:55 am
by Ohr
The feeling when I realize I'm Chinese.

Re: Dire Maul is packed with Chinese Gold Farm Hunters...

PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 11:44 am
by Bazinga
Holmes wrote:and (frost) mages can aoe farm every sht and so can easily farm gold pretty much everywhere. even more due to the bugged LoS'ing of blizzard etc :ugeek:

no way, its permitted by ToU !! they all gonna be banned :roll: especially all those LoS abusing mages in AV :P